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About ShovelGut

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. ShovelGut

    Can my computer run DayZ?

    Yes it can run it fine.
  2. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    Thank you. Winters I enjoyed the article and I appreciate the publicity.
  3. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    Well as you see im USUALLY pretty far away and can ambush them
  4. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    Never bothered me lol
  5. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    No worries haha, there is always new stuff to learn lol. LetterKilled, yeah I have noooo idea how none of them saw me, I def lucked out and im still alive haha.
  6. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary (video)

    Thanks guys, Im still waiting for another sniper to get comfy on the north hill so I can drop em :) Basshead, yeah when your temp drops below 28 you start to shake violently (as you see in the video), when I killed the two players approaching on my left my squad mate was actually going to search the town for heatpacks because we both were shaking badly haha.
  7. Got another montage of some player killing that took place over a 2 to 3 day period in Stary. All bodies were looted and scrapped of all useful supplies. If you like the video then check out my other Dayz video on my channel, more to come so feel free to subscribe. Any questions feel free to ask, enjoy.
  8. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary

    Yeah I was not recording when those players first ran into me, I heard footsteps and assumed it was dave so I turned around without caution and see 3 players just running around...well I flipped out haha. Tonight is the first full night with the AS50 so hopefully I get some good footage.
  9. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary

    Thank you, I just got an AS50, we will see how that goes in the next video haha.
  10. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary

    Thanks, I appreciate it.
  11. ShovelGut

    Player killing in Stary

    This happened on US 88 and US 156 (I think) Yeah I about shit myself when the group of four ran by me. My teammate in these videos (dave) will start running fraps, so expect my next couple of videos to have two different points of view in them.
  12. Got another video of some player killing done around Stary, ranging from 800 meters to point blank range. All bodies were looted and we worked as a two man team, goes to show how vital communication is in this game. Any questions feel free to ask, Enjoy.
  13. ShovelGut

    US 88 Texas

    Admin, I will have a video of this happening on youtube shortly, I doubt it will provide much help but I will do what I can.\ Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-_wE_2_p10&feature=youtu.be
  14. ShovelGut

    US 88 Texas

    Happened to us up at Stary, except we were never killed (left server maybe 2 minutes after guns went away) never saw anyone die. All gear is back once we re joined.
  15. Too bad one of them did not have a grenade haha