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About onlyusemeazn

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Playin' dem games and bein' Asian fo sho. :) Too bad my computer's too slow to play DayZ :P
  1. onlyusemeazn

    Weight Tiers

    True to both of your statements. So what now, kinda develop the nutritional diet/play style effect on weight? I like Claytonaj's idea with players spawning in the continuum. Should it even deal with hunger or be it's own separate stat?
  2. onlyusemeazn


    I like it! Especially the grouping up part. :)
  3. onlyusemeazn

    Starting Weapon

    Maybe we could all get a dull knife to fight zombies. lol Melee only time!
  4. onlyusemeazn

    Weight Tiers

    I thought the more athletic you are the more calories you burn so the more you can consume. Again, I'm no physiology wiz. Maybe they should add a craving system so the larger players want food more but don't actually need it. Agh more complexity.
  5. onlyusemeazn

    Sight and Sound Meter

    Maybe we can do a hardcore mode where the UI is just removed altogether (aside from essentials). Or the server admin can pick-and-choose what part of the UI is active. :D The learning curve idea is good. c:
  6. onlyusemeazn

    Weight Tiers

    @Saul Weinstein Great idea :D Maybe the server admin can force obesity or somethin' :P @Runtz Thanks ^.^ The in-depth part is near extreme, but like you said, we'll see.
  7. onlyusemeazn

    Weight Tiers

    I was watching videos from SideStrafe (YouTube commentator) and he mentioned how the body lives off fat when food is not available. So, why not give players a choice of body composition when creating their new character. Tier (BC Choice) 1: A bit more chunky and slow, but hunger depletes at a decreased rate. Tier 2: Average weight and speed with average hunger depletion. Tier 3: Skinny, fast, but hunger depletes quickly. This is just a rough idea. You could get even more in depth by adding different foods that could shape a player's body composition (meaning the player starts out with a Tier 2-esque build). Twinkies can make them fat or something. loool I'm not a medical doctor and I'm not the most experienced with the human body, but this could be interesting. Comment and Add to it or change it and stuff. c: