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Posts posted by Phishfood

  1. -When players try to disconnect either through Alt+F4 or esc -> abort' date=' their character goes into the unconscious state with the hourglass for one minute before completely being removed from the server.


    Slight addition - no new zombies will spot them in this state. So if they log with zombies attacking, they die. But if they log and a zombie walks over them they are safe. Otherwise logging in a hurry in a city could be a problem.

    Still, it would stop quitters in fights, might have strange results with server hoppers though.

  2. No. What the hell' date=' are we playing BF3? CoD? If you guys wanna metagame go ahead, run back to Elektro or Cherno or wherever you got yourself killed, find a gun and hunt down the person who killed you. But how would this add to the game?


    Wait, in CoD and BF3 you are supposed to explicitly hunt down the person that killed you? so THAT's what I've been doing wrong. Yeah, I see no benefit to that. Especially in a server where nametags are disabled anyway, which IMHO should be all of them.

  3. To be perfectly honest, since people have stopped spawning in with a lot of good stuff I haven't been griefed on the coast at all. Heck, last time I was I killed him first anyway. Hah.

    I don't think this needs changing, certainly not with anything as clunky as spawn protection. If you were to do anything all I would suggest is that you have some system for increasing zombie attention the longer a player is in one place so that they can't snipe camp elektro as easily.

    Heres how it would work.

    Currently when you shoot every zombie in 100m (to pull an number out my arse) comes running. Every zombie 100-300m away gets curious and comes walking. A simple idea is that for the first shot that is true. Then the second shot the number is 120 and 350. Then 140 and 400. Then 160 and 450. The longer a person camps in an area the more zombies are heading towards them. Either then they have to deal with a lot of zombies or players get an obvious sign where the camper is or they move forsaking their best spot for a while, again giving players a chance to spot them.

    Stays reasonably realistic, the mechanic isn't in your face and half the code is already there.

  4. One thing that definately needs tweaking is the relative inventory use of guns.

    For example -

    Winchester shotgun. 15 shells per slot.

    Lee Enfield - 10 shells per slot.

    Double barrel - 2 shells per slot.

    Why the hell am I ever going to take the double barrel and have to fill my inventory with 2 round shells when I can move on to the next building and get a winchester or lee enfield? All 3 kill zombies in a single shot.

  5. We had a similar problem recently in Kozlovka. 3 of us meet up (a new personal best!) and I see a hopper about to take a bite out of Ed. So I shot the git (not ed). Ok, so at this point I expect every zombie in the village to run at us, maybe 20 if we are unlucky. In the end we killed 30 each and still had a well populated street in front of us.

    Either zombies are respawning WAY too fast or possibly when the server offloads zombie pathing to the client, it offloaded to all 3 of us...tripling the zombies.

  6. +1 for natural regen while food/water high.

    meat - I'd say make it all regen or add a "too full" mechanic. Otherwise we are into skyrim logic of "let me pause this fight to eat 20 blocks of cheese". Not that you can pause, but still - a few times I have been in a supermarket and downed 15 cans of beans that I can't carry just to get blood back.

    matches, I'd say more spawn and make them limited uses too.

  7. can it fire this round?

    - does the player have the magazine/clip/amobox to carry the rounds?

    - does the weapon performs better with another ammo type' date=' and then

    - can we change the ammo we're using in our mags?

    So in-game we would need:

    - empty magazines to fill with ammo

    - boxes of ammo to fill the magazine with

    - different trajectory/terminal ballistic effects considering the weapon and ammo type.

    Furthermore, to adapt these gameplay elements to dayz would require, I guess, a lot of efforts, an I'm not even sure the game engine can take it without being heavily modified.

    So yeah, a change on the matter of ammo/guns could be nice, but if it leads to a complete mess in the inventory, It may not be worth it.


    Or you could simplify it with just finding say .... 9mm bullets, then anything that takes 9mm you have ammo for.

    Of course, the realism nuts will hate that.

  8. The water bottle thing...

    Even clear water can be a problem, you still need to treat it most times. ESPECIALLY if there is a virus out there making people zombies. Hence, water has to be put in a canteen with some form of treatment. Cl tabs, UV light, Ag ion...whatever. So, the canteen is not a container its a supply of water treatment.

  9. I'd propose an idea would be making a med kit a multi use all purpose medical supply.

    So, it serves any effect that a current medical supply does as needed, takes up the backpack slot and has 10 uses. That could be 10 broken bones or 3 broken bones, 2 pain meds and 5 bleeders.

    I mean, the game needs a bit of a tweak in that "painkillers" and "morphine" are distinct and not even slightly interchangable which is...odd... Morphine should double for painkillers even if the reverse is not true.

  10. Create a finite number of vehicles per-map' date=' say 10. If 10 people join the server with a saved vehicle, then no vehicles would be randomly placed across the map. If the server has 11+ people, all with saved cars, upon that 11th person joining, the vehicle that spawns in with them would have something like "a broken break line" that is only fixable by stealing another players working one.


    Those two conditions are self defeating.

    The server creates 10 random vehicles on boot, no players connected. First player with a saved vehicle connects - server registers the presence of an 11th vehicle and breaks it. Oops.

    It would also be bad to take out a spawned vehicle, imagine...you find a jeep, it needs a fuel tank. So you scavenge for an hour, find a fuel tank and a tool kit. Then as you run back to the jeep it despawns....noooooooooo!!
