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Everything posted by ShadowWalker

  1. www.DesolationGaming.net Desolation Gaming has been around for over 5+ years playing in all areas of gaming. We are currently looking to fill our ranks within our DayZ Epoch division. Right now we have around 5-8 active players from around the globe for Epoch. We want a few more to add to the ranks. Newbies are welcome. Requirements Must be mature 16+ is a must we are all somewhat older and prefer 25+ but if you are mature we will consider you. You have to be able to use Teamspeak. Voice communications are a must. No skype. We also require that you know how to follow directions and are easy to get along with. Butting heads with other members isn't something we like. We are a laid back bunch of players that are looking to have a good time. If you are interested pm me or visit us through our website.
  2. Still recruiting members.
  3. So these Walking dead guys just banned my group of guys for ghosting on there server? We find a camp with a Ural and a few tents we proceed to attempt to raid them. We lose all but one of our guys in the fight an take out 4 of there 1/9 WDU guys, the people who own the server. We manage to take the Ural with our remaining man south to the shore to meet up with our newly respawned characters to see what our loot is. Upon looting the gear we all get banned for ghosting. So basically we find these guys camp, take there truck and they ban us off there server for ghosting? Thats not even something you can ban for? I would like an answer and proof of us "ghosting". I request you unban our group.
  4. ShadowWalker

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Lets reference this thread shall we. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24090 Notice how the admin was asked to provide proof' date=' footage ect... he did not have any. Not the other way around. Hence he was obligated to lift the ban. The admin accuses my group of combat logging an bans us. He is asked to provide proof of this accusation. If he cannot than the same rules in said thread linked above should apply. No proof, no ban. Simple. Don't shame your server, because at this point, WDU 1/9th is looking like a pretty shitty place to play. [hr'] Also I know your hoster, and I know what kind of logs you can access. There is nothing in there that will provide you with any proof of logging out and back in. In any case you are stalling with hopes this thread dies. Just admit you have no evidence lift the ban and be stand up about the situation instead of banning out of anger.
  5. ShadowWalker

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    No logs , video evidence no ban. Submitting them to whomever isn't a valid response at this point. Put them here and lets see what you have. I can only assume nothing at this point considering you have yet to provide a single shred of any evidence? It shouldn't take long to provide, unless you are trying to edit/photoshop them in an attempt to make them look legit. If so, shame on you. Admins need to learn how to not power monger and flip when someone finds there camp.
  6. ShadowWalker

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Logs can be altered, a screenshot or a video of the logs will suffice. If you cant provide that then you and your server needs to be blacklisted. Admin abuse isn't something I call out at the drop of a hat. Tell your DC bud Ballesta or Ballista to tone it down a bit. The logs he can provide will show nothing. If anything us respawning over an over again after we died. Which will probably be used as "proof" which isn't. As I watched them commit suicide atleast 10 times after I raided there camp the first time and killed them.
  7. ShadowWalker

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Sorry bud, I did not combat log. Nor did anyone on my team. If we did you wouldn't have killed us. All your words are hot air right now. Provide this proof that we combat logged or unban us it doesn't matter if you had 20 witnesses you need video or its a no go son.
  8. ShadowWalker

    Admin Abuse US35 banned for ghosting

    Show the logs please, because if we did combat log how did you kill 4 of us? Logs and videos please. Your words mean nothing. You specifically say you record everything yet you come here with no proof.
  9. ShadowWalker

    Walking Dead USMC

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=30999 I'd appreciate it if you didn't break the rules of running a server. Im sorry you lost your truck, and you guys died. But you cannot ban for bullshit like you did. Loved your old camp too.
  10. ShadowWalker

    The Walking Dead USMC is recruiting

    I had fun on the server a few days back. Wiped out about 4 of you guys, keep up the training. I'll be sure to provide more ambush tactics near Berezino in the near future. I hope you and your recruits moral wasn't affected too much.
  11. Recruitment is moving along fairly well. Glad to be apart of this group.