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About Mitcholas

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Mitcholas

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I'm curious on how the AI and the pathing for the zombies has changed. Do they megarush you in a zigzag motion just as they do in the mod? Can they hit you 10 feet away and walk through walls still? Honestly i'm not that all concerned with graphics, but more of gameplay. I usually never browse the forums, but i'm just voicing my concern for the gameplay portion of the standalone, and not the graphics or customization. I'm most likely beating a dead horse, and they have already been on top of gameplay issues since the very beginning. I just look forward to a REAL DayZ experience without zigzagging invincible megreach zombies, and hackers spawning everyone in a truck, then opening fire. Can't wait!
  2. Mitcholas

    I was victim of a hacker

    *giggles* Oh, how quaint!
  3. Mitcholas

    Me and my friends met a dog....

    Pics or gtfo.
  4. I must have been pretty lucky so far. Been to elektro multiple times with only a 1 time conflict (completely one sided, he had the store baited + barbed wire to cut off exit), and 0 conflicts the many times ive been to Stary Sober. IMO it's all about timing, and watching your surroundings. However, I can't deny the occasional sniper :\
  5. I was a 'no shoot on sight, but if in the area ur a threat' kinda guy, but after recent events and careful consideration, I just outright kill people unless both hands are empty.
  6. Mitcholas

    i want create the game how i doo this!!??

    Only way I know of 'creating' your own game is hosting a DayZ server. Good luck with that.
  7. Mitcholas

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I'll be a true bandit when I face a true victim. By that I mean someone that wont disconnect (and possibly reconnect elsewhere to get an advantage over me). Until then, it's shoot on sight, no questions asked. My mercy meter ran out the other day, and will be empty for a looooong time.
  8. Then a full ban of the steam account/Arma II purchase of whoever is caught. If you can't play the game legitimately, you shouldn't be able to play at all. Not like it matters, when there's a will, there's a way :\
  9. IMO hackers should get IP banned from all servers, period.
  10. Mitcholas

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Stuido Kickstarter = yes Sorry, but both me and my friends feel paying the usual standard price for a game once is enough. I've grown tired of playing games requiring subscriptions (yeah yeah they need constant flow for servers blah blah and updates blah blah blah), but I feel this could be a very popular game in the long run, so with enough purchases you get more than enough money to make dlc in the future (thus more money), with some on the side.
  11. Mitcholas

    LU16 barn people

    Great job, we traded kills after our buddy announced friendly. Now we have decided to Shoot on sight, no more calling out. So thank you random people, you have completed our transformation to full on bandits > : ) /not a complain thread, just love the rush of our first major gun fight
  12. Mitcholas

    What *Isn't* allowed besides hacking?

    You can, although I would consider you a horrible person not worthy of living for joking like that.
  13. Mitcholas

    Server settings?

    Anyone? I've tried searching and google but no luck.
  14. Mitcholas

    Server settings?

    If anyone could help me out really quick, what do the settings mean beside a server? For example, 3dp:on ch:off and so on. I figure 3dp is 3rd person, but just curious what the others are for. Just looking for servers that show my friends name.
  15. update equipment loss topics +1 No but really, don't get attached to your gear, this is an alpha, blah blah usual stuff people overlook.