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Everything posted by Mr.Giggles

  1. I personally think we should change the soda can textures and descriptions to something other than a real companies soda or something like that because as this is getting more and more popular its more and more likely that the mod people could get slapped with a lawsuit over that and this would crush me i would hate for it to happen. Also on another note i think that camouflage fatigues and ghillie suits should reduce your visibility to zombies if your going prone or crouch walking maybe do different degrees with each type? I would really like other opinions on this as well though!
  2. Mr.Giggles

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    Ok that makes sense thanks!
  3. Mr.Giggles

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    Yah that makes sense but i just thought since its supposed to obscure your view why wouldn't it obscure your view for zombies and im only talking about like in the grass not in citys and only when your prone
  4. Mr.Giggles

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    Ok cool i just want to see what people think thanks!
  5. Mr.Giggles

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    True i didn't think of that it's more that i'm just trying to look out for the mod because i love it alot! Anyway what do you think about the camouflage idea?