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Everything posted by Przyr

  1. Same problem... Y U NO FIX
  2. Sorry but it's definitely a problem with the Six Launcher. I've tried disabling 100% my AV, my firewall and my router's firewall and STILL getting the same problem. Now I've decided to install DayZ manually and it worked.
  3. May I upload the log file here or in a ticket? I'm trying to upload it in a ticket and I'm having this problem too lol: # The file you tried to upload is not allowed. # I've tried uploading the logs folder in a file called logs.zip AND I've tried uploading the six-updater3.log too...
  4. Heya,It seems your security suite (AV/Firewall) or modem/router is blocking the connections of the Six Launcher and/or it's included utilities (Six Updater\Tools and subfolders). Please try excluding all these utilities from your security suite, etc (some docs over at http://www.six-projects.net/wagn/Six_Updater+Documentation#Firewalls,%20ports%20and%20security/antivirus) If still issues, please create a ticket with details and log files as detailed at http://www.six-updater.net/p/support.html Thanks! I've tried with my AV (Kaspersky Internet Security 2011) disabled & Firewall disabled (but my router firewall is enabled), but the problem persists... Maybe this problem is occuring because I don't have a folder called "@DayZ" in my "Steam\steamapps\common" folder? Because it's my first time trying to playing the game... All I did was download both games & Six Launcher.
  5. Hello, it's my first time trying to play DayZ. So, I saw that the DayZ is down due to maintenance, but, I have a friend who stills able to play AND update the mod. But I'm having an issue trying to update my first-time installation of DayZ mod... When I open the Six Launcher, click in a server and click in "Install", my launcher "freezes" at this: Is it because DayZ is down or it's a problem with my installation? That's what I did: 1º - Downloaded the Arma II and Arma II OA (Steam). 2º - Launched each one once (and configured them), launched in Arma II: C.O. once. 3º - Downloaded Six Updater. 4º - Installed Six Updater. 5º - Configured the Six Updater (and I've already tried with the default configurations) 6º - This problem :( Ty for the help