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Everything posted by -BoB-Megustaaa

  1. -BoB-Megustaaa

    error, help me!

    hi, i knsow this is not the right place to post this, but help me!!!! i've updated my game to manually, wihtout six launcher, and now everytime i open my game i get a error that says missing CA_PMC, and i get kicked from every server. please help me!!!
  2. yesterday i was playing with my frinds when sudently we heard some music on the background, look liked a little girl singing, i imediatly aborted, and my friend got shot by the hacker. does anyone experienced that to? have anyone seen anything like that?
  3. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Triple Kill @ NW

    so, how's your ping in there?
  4. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Avenging my friend`s death at vybor

    Sorry for the 3rd person peak, but i bet they were using it to ^^ we were in a lake at vybor filling our water bottles when two guys came and killed my friend, so i killed them. Loot: m249 saw, akm, m1911, revolver, compasses, maps and other misc.
  5. completly agreed, regular servers should be ripped off the game, it's totally nonsense those green names, and it sucks that there are like 300000000 regular servers and a few veteran.
  6. wow dude, u are a real deuche, he wasn't even pointing his gun to you, this is worse than any banditry
  7. -BoB-Megustaaa

    So. Who wants this stash?

    can anyone tell me the location of this hill, i wanna go there and check it
  8. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Dayz funny bug

    my friend was bugged at prud, it was really funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2p3AMqIwuk&feature=plcp dammit, gotta fix the video
  9. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Dayz funny bug

  10. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Dayz funny bug

    sorry i'll fix it
  11. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Dayz funny bug

    my friend was bugged at prud, it was really funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2p3AMqIwuk&feature=plcp
  12. -BoB-Megustaaa

    To many guns?

    this island was a war zone, so i think its ok to have military weapons at dangerous places, like airfield and stary sobor, and military weapons at deer stands are way to rare, there's mostly only ak's, i think its nice the way it is now.
  13. -BoB-Megustaaa

    AS50 Sniping a UH-1H Pilot

    you must be bob lee swagger
  14. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Post a picture of your gear

    you know taht the snipers are hacked right? and coould get you banned.
  15. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Get rid of those .50 cal

    why dont u get rid of your game and unistall it?
  16. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Give something faster than run, sprint!

    what do u want? the survivor to say ''maximum speed'' and run as fast as a car? GTFO
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cebS_RY3k6k&feature=plcp
  18. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Mountain Dew?

    i already got 2 dew's at one time, didn't knew that it was the rarest item
  19. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Trade Shop

    this is nonsense, this is a post apocalyptic world called DayZ and not TIBIA or WoW. No beans for you.
  20. -BoB-Megustaaa

    [VIDEO] Amazing Helicopter save!

    your weapon is hacked dude, you shouldn't use it
  21. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Remove the gay-5minutes-hourglass

    so... you must be a professional aborter alt F4
  22. -BoB-Megustaaa

    ALT F4

    yeah i think they should put a countdown of at least 10 seconds before loggin out the character, when standing still, and if the players walks , the countdown resets.
  23. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Killed an inocent at gorka

    (sorry for bad english) We were going to gorka when we saw a guy shooting zombies, i didn't meant to kill him, but i had to cause we wanted to go inside the city, and if he saw he would problably shoot us. My friend was watching his movements from far with his m107. i also had a as50 but with no bullets. His loot was: Remington 12 M1911 + 4 clips map, compass, watch, plenty of food among others stuff.
  24. yeah, i saw this video and i think there is some kind of hack there, as he shoots a lot a throw a lot of nades, and never runs out of them.
  25. -BoB-Megustaaa

    Killed an inocent at gorka

    i'm not russian, ima brazilian :B, i dont usually kill players when they dont see me, but we were going inside gorka so i had no choice, couldn't risk my stuff.