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Seventy-Three David

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Everything posted by Seventy-Three David

  1. I believe the admins name is Shazbot and we really need the server to be restarted just one more time because we seemed to have lost our deployed tents and would like to get them back. If possible, could you do a quick restart for us? Thanks that would be great.
  2. Seventy-Three David

    Greatest experience Ever!

    So this story starts off with Me and a friend(KnightShadow) aggroing a zombie and killing it. Soon after, we hear a lee enfield in the distance. We go to investigate............... There were two survivors that were in the tents standing over these dead player bodies looting them and we decided they were bandits killing people. I zeroed my M107 sniper rifle and took two shots both of which were high. One runs left into a tent and the other right. My friend, KnightShadow, moved up to the tree line just above the Stary Sobor tents to see if he could see either of them in the tents. An AK is fired at him and he receives 5000 damage (Total, not from one bullet) and is sitting at 7000 HP. I spot the one from the right crawling out of the tent to try to kill my friend. My comradery kicks in and I fire my weapon once, hitting him in the head and instantly killing him. Knightshadow moves up to try to find the other guy and spots him in a tent, and shoots him with his M14 after taking direct fire from an M-16, killing him. I move up to loot one of the tents and receive fire from an AKM. I quickly displaced to my previous sniping spot and Knightshadow followed. KnightShadow runs to the big red barn and hears a soda can crack open. He looks up but sees nothing. So he climbs up the ladder and spots a man with a lee enfield and drops from the ladder, breaking his legs. The man fires at him. He takes a shot and kills the man. He is now sitting at 1300 HP(After bandages). I find a blood bag for him and run to the barn. I give him a blood transfusion and morphine to heal his wounds where I then displace to my original sniping spot. We then spot two more survivors in the White stall barn. (These guys were in a clan by the name of ((LAB)) at which we didnt notice at the time. This includes the two we killed at the tents.) We just assumed they were a group of players and started to notice (LAB) in all of the death messages. I spot one of the survivors in the window of the white stall barn and take a shot. I hit him in the head, killing him instantly. The other survivor runs out of the barn and then into the big, red, metal barn. KnightShadow was still in there after killing the previous survivor and shoots him in the head, killing him instantly. I displaced to the treeline above the tents when I hear KnightShadow screaming "THERES THREE MORE PEOPLE!" We move into position. Knightshadow spots the three behind the big red barn and shoots the first survivor. We both tooks shots at the second survivor, killing them. The Third logged off. KnightShadow and I cleared the area for any loot or survivors and looted the tents quickly and displaced to the first sniping spot up by where the dirt road ends near the small shed with a gate. In total: 7 kills total and one who logged off. We do not regret killing the clan, but KnightShadow and I would like to apologize to the 3 people we killed at the end. We had no idea if you guys were part of the group we eliminated or not. In the end we assumed the clan was killing people by luring them with the pile of weapons and shooting them on sight. (We saw many death messages before spotting them so we assumed they were the victims of the clan.)
  3. Seventy-Three David

    Greatest experience Ever!

    Lol. Yeah thanks for the compliment. We honestly were about to die of a heart attack because after each guy was killed, more showed up! So thanks for the support and we can really sleep easy tonight knowing we took down a clan with just the two of us!!!
  4. Seventy-Three David

    Can't join any server after 95054 update

    Getting the same issue. Im hearing that this is common with the new build. Hope they hotfix it :)
  5. Seventy-Three David

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Thank you so much for bear traps. This will make surviving more like survivng and actually going back to traps you have set up to check if theyve been sprung makes it more realistic. Adding a few more survival things might be good like setting up a tarp to stay out of the rain or something like that. Honestly just stuff thats common survival equipment thats not in the game atm would be a great addition.