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About Rhime

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rhime

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    I was hiding in a crouch position behind a fence when I noticed another survivor dodging Z's and soon enough he was making his way towards me. I dove and followed his movement until he went behind a building so I decided to see what he was up to. I circled around the building stealthing as I went and sure enough, there he was! I let him go by me and followed him around the building next to a large fuel tank. The last thing he saw was my axe buried in his head. He hit the deck and was bleeding out. The worst part was that he was still moving so I had to wack him a few more times to be sure. That was my first(but not last) kill and I felt like shit after since he had squat on him for loot. After being murdered several times lately myself and watching Rocket's Q&A vid, I'm happy to say that I will trust no one(except those in the vent channel) and I suggest you all take that attitude! Don't answer any voice inquiries and forget typing in direct. Kill or be killed...that is the name of this game...:)
  2. :s I have to agree...it's just too dark to do anything. No fun in that.
  3. Rhime

    Axes and guns?

    I edited my thread as I realized that I actually could pick up the rifle, but then I couldn't equip my hatchet as it said there was not room to use it...
  4. Rhime

    Axes and guns?

    First off let me say I'm getting better at the game after my first log in yesterday and muddling through the controls, key commands and general survival techniques. One thing I noticed today was that after picking up a hatchet and learning to use it effectively against zed's, I came across an automatic weapon(rifle-no ammo), but after picking it up, I couldn't equip my hatchet when I needed to without dropping the rifle. Am I missing something about the gear bags as I haven't figured out what slots are for what gear etc? Surely I don't have to drop my close encounter weapon to pick up, use and keep a ranged weapon? So far the mod rocks-keep up the good work devs..:)
  5. Rhime

    Stuck on creating character ! Help

    Same here...any help guys?