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Jock (DayZ)

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About Jock (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jock (DayZ)

    Host with GREAT customer rating?

    Yeah myself and Bom are both admins on an HFB server and due to the update fiasco we are looking at other options. Its pretty terrible right now with them.
  2. You need to sort out your text colour man, but I totally agree with you. It really isnt looking good for HFB right now.
  3. Jock (DayZ)

    Seattle 131 Admin Abuse

    Who is it exactly you are banning and why are you only mentioning the potential hacking now? It does seem rather suspicious that you would ban people for potentially being hackers after your argument over ping kicks was made to look ridiculous.
  4. Jock (DayZ)

    Seattle 131 Admin Abuse

    I cant remember what my ping was like on your server, wasnt really something I had a problem with but I'll concede it may have been above 200, so in that case by all means kick me. It might be an idea to warn people with the MOTD that you kick users over 200ms, that way they wont get annoyed when kicked. However I wasnt the only one kicked off the server at the time and several of them had low pings. It also doesnt answer the OP's video footage of him being repeatedly kicked with under 100 ping and only 5 people on the server.
  5. Jock (DayZ)

    Seattle 131 Admin Abuse

    Yeah this was happening today too.
  6. Jock (DayZ)

    My one tip to new players

    I started out the same way as you Elias, killed with no warning from other players, but those few times when I didnt fire and actually talked to the person have so far been the most fun I've had. Whether it was coming across a newbie just spawned and helping them or stumbling upon veterans while raiding buildings.