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About tythas-onami@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tythas-onami@hotmail.com

    Spawning Battleships ?!

    This post made my day
  2. As the title suggests, the server "Country#" is kicking both me and my friend when we attempt to join their server. It was "You have been kicked from the game", not a Battleye kick/error. I was in the server at least 2 minutes before I was kicked without warning.
  3. tythas-onami@hotmail.com

    Ghillie suit and Camo clothing fixed?

    Yet I feel so much worse when I come to this forum because I know there are people like you residing within the community, making it worse with posts like your previous ones.
  4. tythas-onami@hotmail.com

    ...da fuq?!

    Exactly the same thing happened to me today. Was way confused. Oh well, this IS Alpha after all ;)