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Everything posted by Vertisce

  1. Vertisce

    Banned at CA1 owner Gabriel ....

    Case opened. How is talking in side chat considered racist or malicious? Unless you have proof of that to show to a dev when it is asked for...if that's the case then carry on.
  2. Vertisce

    Banned at CA1 owner Gabriel ....

    Aaaaaaaand...once again...banning for anything other than racism and malicious talk is not allowed. Admin abuse is abusive.
  3. Vertisce

    Banned from US1222

    Public forum is public.
  4. Vertisce

    Banned from US1222

    Of course you haven't read anything where Rocket has said you can't ban hackers...because he didn't say that. What he did say was that there are only two reasons to ban someone. Malicious talk and racism. Neither of those look like hacking to me. Learn to read. Stop breaking the rules because you think you know better. You aren't special.
  5. Vertisce

    us186 banned no reason

    If the admin wants to ban players then he should reply in all the threads for people he is banning.
  6. Vertisce

    Banned from US1222

    Yes...I am serious. Rules are there for a reason. I admins are allowed to ban for hacking then abusive admins will start banning every player they don't like for hacking without proof. This is why the DayZ devs want to review things first. Report them as the devs have requested and then if they deserve a ban they will get one. I am not saying they don't deserve bans. Based on the logs (assuming they are not fabricated as there is no way to tell when shit is copy/pasted.) I would say the hacker needs a global ban and the OP who was asking for hacked items needs a temp global ban. But that is not for myself or the server admin to decide...its up to the DayZ staff.
  7. Vertisce

    Was banned on server US 1568

    Prove it.
  8. Vertisce

    Barter, rather than trade system.

    There's already the perfect barter system in place. It's called "Give me your shit and I won't shoot your face off.".
  9. Vertisce

    Shooting while sprinting

    It's a restriction of ArmA that you cannot run and shoot. There is a reason for this. It is called..."SIMULATOR". You don't see anybody with a brain running full speed with a loaded gun and firing. No you don't...this isn't the movies. No...military personnel are trained to handle a weapon safely and properly. They don't fire running full speed. Stop arguing...the answer is no. It will never happen. No. (Sorry...just getting the next few argument posts out of the way now.) Whoever posted that HotShots video is an idiot. You can move and fire like that in ArmA. When he actually started moving faster he put his gun down to run.
  10. Vertisce

    Was banned on server US 1568

    It really sucks that there are so many asshole admins that can't follow the rules out there.
  11. Vertisce

    Banned from US1222

    The only problem I see here is that the ban was for something that he cannot be banned for as per Rocket. Suspected hackers are to be reported and the issue resolved by the DayZ mod team. Ban should be lifted and both the hacker and the OP who was requesting goods from the hacker should be reported to the DayZ devs to be reviewed. Follow the rules people...quit trying to break them just because you think you are special.
  12. Vertisce

    Banned for combat logging

    I am irritated with your ugly mug that you put in your avatar. At least I know what "the dumb" looks like.
  13. Vertisce

    Banned for combat logging

    Are you STILL arguing in this thread? You really should just give up.
  14. The other day myself and a buddy got into a firefight with two other players. We had a bus, fully repaired 100% ready to go. We started driving off when two guys each in a tractor drove down the road. Of course a firefight ensued. We were out in an open field trying to get back to the road from where we hid the bus while we repaired it. Ultimately they were able to destroy the buss with small arms fire. This should not be possible! I, in turn focused fire on both their tractors and with 2 clips of ammo from an M4A1 was able to destroy both of them as well. It's just not right. Small arms fire should be able to damage an engine, body, windows and tires. Perhaps cause a leak in the gas tank and make it drain but blow it up? No. Satchel charges, grenades, explosives in general should be the only things capable of destroying vehicles. This is really an issue inherent in ArmA 2 but if it can be tweaked in DayZ then it should be. My 2 cents. Thank you. For those of you wondering...we lost. They had excellent cover behind some walls down on the road. We had nothing but the bus. I managed a few shots that got them up and running for better cover but ultimately they got the final shots off and won. Regardless...they should have won a bus off that with heavy damage to repair.
  15. Vertisce

    US 85 admins cheating/hacking

    Yeah...the comment is at 1:22. He is definately saying "Spawn in fucking fast.". That guy in the vid shooting is freaking out over nothing. If I were him those guys would have been easily killed and I wouldn't have sounded like a dork doing it. In fact I probably wouldn't have said a word to anybody until the action was over.
  16. Vertisce

    Secondary Melee Weapons

    Personally I like the idea...only thing is I think they need to fix it so that a melee weapon can be used without dropping your primary or moving it to your backpack first. After that they can add as many melee weapons as they like to the game and make them starter weapons too. Again, the fact that melee is in the game is a miracle in itself. The devs deserve mad props for making that happen.
  17. Vertisce

    Vehicles and durability.

    Sorry...I meant M4A1. Corrected it. Either way it would be one in a million if bullet fire from anything less than a rocket or explosive device caused a vehicle to blow up. It's not the movies. I suppose gun fire from something like a Cobra or something could make a vehicle catch fire...perhaps a 50 cal but that would even be unlikely and would have to be several shots right to the gas tank.
  18. Vertisce

    Banned for combat logging

    If you are accusing someone of doing something then YOU should provide the proof. Pretty basic...innocent until proven guilty. If an admin bans you then he is accusing you of something that he needs to prove to be validated. If you accuse the admin then the converse applies and you need to provide the proof. The accused is not required to prove his innocence but doing so never hurts. That's just how it is.
  19. The major issue with night is that it is not only difficult to see but using tools that make seeing easier make you the biggest target on the map. (Without using gamma and brightness changes). I don't know how many times I have seen people from MILES away running with a flashlight on and seeing that thing just bob up and down and back and forth...dead give away. No pun intended. I propose 2 things. 1. When running, make the right arm holding the flashlight stay still up by your characters head. This is only how a normal person would run with a flashlight. This means you still can't have a weapon out. This still poses a slight problem in that shooting a zombie at night can be a real pain in the ass. I guess this is what flares and chem lights are for. 2. Headlamps. A light that sits on your forehead or shoulder to illuminate the path directly ahead of you allowing you to use your gun and have a light on at the same time. In both cases you are still a big target but at the very least you can move easier and not have to worry about lights flashing all over the place giving away your location unless you turn your head or move in circles a lot. Also...make zombies see flashlights and come running at you. I also don't understand why we are quieter at night. Vision reduction for the zombies I get...quieter? Doesn't make sense.
  20. Vertisce

    Make night bearable (flashlights)

    Have you ever been in the military? Worked for a forest service, fire or police department? Guess what? They all train you on how to hold, use and even run with a flashlight. How the characters do it in game is not it.
  21. Vertisce

    Make night bearable (flashlights)

    Most of the posters in this thread have either failed to read my whole post or failed to get the point entirely. No normal human being runs with a flashlight in hand like the characters do in game. You can run with a flashlight pointed out in front of you without waving it around like an idiot. Just because an alternate method already exists in the game does not mean corrections don't need to be or can't be made to make the game more realistic and better overall.
  22. Vertisce

    Make night bearable (flashlights)

    I know you can pick up flares and chems but a chem doesn't illuminate enough directly in front of you so much as a small area around you. Flares are like a huge, "please shoot me" sign. Not to mention the way your character holds a flashlight is retarded...it's like they are afraid to drop it or something. Both hands pointed out directly in front of you? Who does that?
  23. Congrats...you found a hacker. I liked the ending though... "How about I bandage...NOTHING! See you later sucker! Nyah!" lol
  24. Vertisce

    Randomly Banned in server US 1198

    You were simply banned by the admin THROUGH Battleye. He typed in a reason that makes it look like a automatic Battleye ban.
  25. Vertisce

    SE52 banned for no reason

    I guess the admin needs to show the logs to prove the racism or lift the ban.