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Everything posted by Vertisce

  1. Vertisce

    Respawn, Are you sure?

    I have more of an issue of clicking Abort and going through all the menu's when I meant to click respawn.
  2. Something I have been mulling over for the past couple weeks... In ArmA there is a system for exhaustion. Typically it is a little harsh but most mods tone it down to a reasonable level like the A.C.E mod does. DayZ removed it entirely. What it does is cause your character to get tired after so long of running, crouching or whatever. When you get too tired your vision begins to blur and you literally see an effect of your eyes closing and opening causing you to lose vision. Eventually you pass out until you recover and can get back up. Right now this would be a nightmare in the game and make it nigh impossible to survive at all. Zombies are far too fast and relentless. Adding the exhaustion back into the mod would not only make it more realistic but add a few new elements to the game. For one it would take a lot longer to walk from one end of the map to the other...making the map feel bigger in turn. That would also make food and water more of a necessity than it is now. As it is I can go into the red on both and still manage to find food and drink in time even if I am out in the middle of nowhere. It would also make the game more dangerous. Instead of just running from zombies for eternity you would eventually have to turn around and deal with them instead of just running them into a barn. Along with adding in exhaustion I think the zombies would need to be slowed down a bit. They shouldn't be able to run as fast or faster than a player giving you "some" chance to get away but more importantly forcing you to deal with them by killing them somehow. Allow the zombies to also move at the same speed indoors. Also...INCREASE the number of zombies. The more the merrier I say. Right now it's just too easy. Get a zombie on you? Run forever until you find a barn or something. You are a marathon runner with unlimited stamina after all! No need to shoot them or anything. Having the exhaustion system would increase the realism and fun of the game but we still have to counter it to make it playable. Which is why I suggest slowing down the zombies and increasing their number. Even if you manage to run away...if you pass out the zombies may catch up and kill you. Discuss...
  3. The intention is not to make the map feel bigger...that is just an added benefit. The idea is to make it more realistic as it is, after all, a simulator. I think you missed the point entirely. That's ok...I don't expect everybody to like it.
  4. Dang...what is up with you guys and the psycho ideas today? Cannibalizm and drinking animal blood? Which demon are we worshipping exactly?
  5. Vertisce

    AI guarded camps

    Really? Of all the ideas out on the forum? Ok...well...my 2 cents are as follows. The AI in ArmA is pretty insane. One shot to the head with a pistol from 10 miles away before you know they are even there. No really...some BIG AI tweaks will be needed to make this work. Even then I can see the appeal as to find a way to protect a camp while the players are offline and add some risk to invading another groups camp to steal gear. That part of it I like, otherwise as stated it would be a pretty tough task I think to make the AI work in a well balanced way. If you had the ability to sneak up on the AI properly just like you could a human and it didnt instantly gun you down magically it would be pretty cool. Give the AI a limited amount of ammo and require the player to log in once a day to feed the AI as a requirement to keep him there or something as well. EDIT: Just read the post above regarding a turret. I might like that idea better but that might be an even tougher task to code into the game unless there is already a mod out there somewhere that would make it possible. I don't know if there is or not.
  6. Why on earth would he want a PvP game with a zombie theme to it? I don't mind the PvP aspect of the game itself but that just seems silly. Either way adding in the exhaustion system wouldn't negatively effect PvP I would think. Since it effects everybody things will generally be the same just take a little more time getting from A to B. I dunno...Rocket can do whatever he wants. It's his game but focusing on PvP seems like the wrong way to go if you ask me. The option to kill a player is already there...thats all you need for a PvP game. Frankly if I want to shoot other players I will go play ArmA on a PvP server. "Survival" isn't "kill everybody else". Even the front page of the DayZ site touts this as a survival mod not a PvP mod.
  7. Um...the lighting in ArmA is as it is supposed to be. It is dimming your vision based on what kind of light you are in and if you are looking right at the sun or not. It's a feature, as annoying as it is, but not a bug or a problem. Makes the game more realistic. Disabling of these features shouldn't be allowed...just like the gamma issue for night time...but thats another issue all together.
  8. Vertisce

    Ideas for Humanity? :o

    So you are thinking like a (I know other games have done this) Mass Effect styled Paragon/Renegade system? I like the idea but I think instead of titles or ranks which are generally meaningless we have penalties and benefits to them. Penalize the obvious Renegade action with something like what I have suggested before such as, higher visibility and audibility to zombies. Reward Paragon with the reverse of whatever the penalty to Renegade is. What would stop two buddies going around killing a bunch of people from exploiting this by healing and bandaging each other all the time though?
  9. Thank you...I was looking all over for it. Used to seeing it as an option on the persons profile or pop up box if you hover over his name. Thats exactly what I mean. As for harsher food drops, I wasn't really intending on making food more rare but just that not being able to run forever means it will take longer to get from one town to the next and food will become more of a commodity you want to keep on you rather than something you just find when you need it. I usually keep a can of food and a canteen or coke on me at all times just because I get annoyed with having to search for food but I know plenty of guys that just find it when they need it because it is rather irrelevant unless you are out in the middle of the forest...even then it's usually pretty easy to find a cow and kill it.
  10. Vertisce

    Meat From Dead Players

    I think there is another thread with roughly the same idea in it. Creepy...you may have issues that need to be addressed. I am going to go for a no on this just because of the creep factor...that and I am pretty sure putting cannibalizm into the game would get a lot of negative press and cause some issues with a few laws out there.
  11. Vertisce

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Lol...that bi-plane is fun to fly...this would be fun.
  12. Not sure I like the idea of suddenly losing all my gear out in the forest as if I were swimming just because my backpack "sprung a leak". Require replacement batteries for NVG's would be ok. Just like gassing up a car. Require a maintanance kit be used on guns would be ok. Adds another element and another item to find. Degredation of clothing would be cool...everybody would then play a female character...
  13. Vertisce

    Friendship system

    This would be immersion breaking. You can change your facial features outside the game if you wish to help identify each other easier. I think a set list of skins you can use for clothing and the like would be nice. Maybe clan logo's that could be plastered on your back would be cool. But anything that tells me exactly who someone is would ruin the simulation aspect of the game. I like the fact that I have to ask my friends where they are and if who I am looking at is them before I open fire. Let's not break the realism of the game please.
  14. Vertisce

    player X has been killed.

    I think the fact that they show at all is immersion breaking. You wouldn't know this information in reality so why would you know it in the game? Keeping in mind that this is meant to be a real life simulator not so much a game. Just my 2 cents on the subject.
  15. Vertisce

    Disconnect countdown and penalization

    I am going to vote yes for this but I think the idea can be made even simpler than that. Simply keep the character in game when someone disconnects for 3 minutes. Prevent them from logging into another server for 5 minutes when they disconnect. If they want to log into the same server after a legit disconnect such as a PC restart or power bump they can. That gives enough time for either the zombies they are running from or the player they are avoiding to kill them. When you want to log out legit simply add a timer for 30 seconds to the Abort option where the player has to stay still, unmoving for that timeframe or the logout stops.
  16. Vertisce

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    My feedback in RED.
  17. Vertisce

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    I think you are a bit confused...I do contribute to posts and give my feedback good or bad to an idea with a reason why. He is the one posting rainbow text with Yes and No to everything with no explanation as to why. I am not bashing the OP. I have no problem with "lists" of ideas. Its just a forum rule that this other kid is posting all over the forum in each thread. Take a look at my recent idea thread on Exhaustion and Zombie speed and you will see what I mean. If you are wondering why I have not responded to the OP regarding his idea yet it is because I am taking some time to mull his ideas over before I reply with my thoughts. I do this with most ideas as just replying with whatever first comes to mind is usually never helpful at all. EDIT: There I took the time and made my response to his ideas.
  18. Im just blocking you. Case closed. Thanks for the bumps though.
  19. Why not? A can of Mtn Dew that does nothing more than Pepsi or Coke is in the game just for the rarity of it. So why not golden weapons for the same thing? So long as said weapons had no benefit over the regular ones I don't see why not.
  20. Vertisce

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    He thinks a thread with more than one change in the idea is a "list". Kids tend to think they know everything. He will get bored and move on eventually. Although...this thread is technically a list of ideas.
  21. You need to get real. My post is not a "list". It is an idea that incorporates 3 changes to be viable. Now...grow up and quit posting a link to the same thing in every thread just because you don't know the definition of the word "list".
  22. Vertisce


    Taking said drugs causes you to be "addicted" to them so when the effect wears off you get the shakes or start getting sick requiring you to find more... That would then be acceptable.
  23. Vertisce

    Zombi meat to travel silently

    Ripped right out of "The Walking Dead". Credit where credit is due. Why would you want to eat zombie meat? Not sure about the other part of your idea... It says zombies ALL over in the game. They are zombies. Period.
  24. Well I can only assume with the worthless post that "thatcommiekid" posted that he doesn't like the idea. Then again with a name like his I don't think I really care. I only suggest this because one of the first things I noticed in this mod was the ability to run forever. Frankly while it may make it easier to get around, it's unrealistic and makes zombies all but pointless. I have no fear of zombies if I can just run away and keep running until I find a barn. Nobody would be able to do this realistically. This is supposed to be a simulator...so why simulate something that is impossible if you have another option? I also realize that making people pass out would make the current zombies far to hard to deal with...which is why I say slow them down to a manageable speed. I also realize that slowing them down effectively nerfs them making them possibly too easy to deal with which is why I say we add more zombies...lots more. Essentially more like The Walking Dead. They are still fast...just not ungodly fast and huge in numbers making them more of a threat if you run out of ammo and have too many to deal with that an axe doesn't cut it. Imagine so many zombies that you run out of ammo, drop your gun and switch to your axe...you keep swinging, swinging and swinging but they just keep coming...now they are are in all directions. You get up and run but get tired after a while and pass out...now those zombies might catch up to you and eat you while you are recovering your breath. Thats real...running from one end of the map to the other without stopping is not.