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Everything posted by Undeadjim

  1. Undeadjim

    New GB Team - DayZ GB Friends

    Lost connection also, working on fixing it now.
  2. Undeadjim

    New GB Team - DayZ GB Friends

    I'm interested dude, lost my 6 day character tonight just trying to find a team or a buddy. Steam: undeadjim Skype adam.cartwright9 have vent,mumble,skype whatever you use for voice, can jump on now if your playing although i'll be on the beach with a flashlight...
  3. Hey guys, playing on your server for a bit now (EU2) wouldn't mind either joining you're squad, or at least make you aware of my presence and maybe hit up and trade when we can (one person can only hoard so much stuff). I'll try jumping onto you're teamspeak in the morning have a chat with you guys. In game I'm called Adam so if you happen to see me looting give me a shout on direct and unless their is more than one Adam on the server you'll be met with a friendly hello back.