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Everything posted by o_grande_rafael

  1. guys, now that everyone is watching this there is no more need for can openers or alike. and spills very little.
  2. o_grande_rafael

    All your problems are solved: opening cans bare handed

    sorry mate. just saw it now. admins can delete the post if wants...
  3. o_grande_rafael

    Changing time zone costs energy

    i think that the utc time is clear and usefull. i dont know if it's my amateur radio skills or the fact that i do not live in US and have more european friends than US ones, so i have always to do these calculations...
  4. o_grande_rafael

    Shooting precision and accuracy

    Considering you are an average guy without any training on survival and military stuff the shooting precision is absurd. you dont literaly find a gun and go shooting Zaitsev style. the acurracy should be way lower. see: you are so poorly trained that you cant even open a can with a knife without spilling it all over. you dont know how to make fire without matches. you are a looser, but yet you grab the 1st gun that apears and BAM! Simo Haya is born. this would be good in many ways more than realism. you would increase the length of weapon fights, incentive groups, ammunition consumption. and, most of all, make harder to bandits go around sniper-murdering and ruining the game of many fellow survivors. they would still be murders, but at least the survivors would have a tiny chance of evading or responding when the shooting starts...
  5. o_grande_rafael

    What DayZ also needs to be even more realistic?

    running: the homo sapiens is the specie that can run longer, closed followed by the canis.
  6. i'd say they already shoot too well. take a look at http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162523-shooting-precision-and-accuracy/ the avatar is not a GI-JOE gun ho. he is a untrained noobie.
  7. o_grande_rafael

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    like it, but as said, drop acuracy. remember: you are not a cop that had training with the technic. you saw it on the movies. the avatar is the looser king of the otakus.
  8. o_grande_rafael

    Shooting precision and accuracy

    if you shoot a dear from 4km with the first gun you find with standart and iffy ammunition and a scope that is not even colimated, man, you are Houdini, not Zaitsev you got the point. i dont need a knife to peel and clean a rabbit. i dont need an opener to eat the guts of a tin can or matches to make fire. but the game forces me to do so. as i (was used to) shoot coke cans at 200m with irons in --> MY <-- HK33. The barrel was regularly inspect, trigger group oiled, sights tighned. ammunition charged by the guys (i usualy ddnt do that). a gun that you find in a barn, or under rain, without the proper tools to put in maintenance, probably from WWII and used strike nails with the butt will not shoot true. you have no oil to make the squeezer soft. man. it will be random. or if not random not true at least. and, most of all: the character wouldnt even know what is wrong. he is das uber newbie :D
  9. o_grande_rafael

    Mauser C96

    i would say it is a very improbable gun to find in such enviroment. a p-38 in 9mm would be more apropriate, and they are harder to break.
  10. o_grande_rafael

    Shooting precision and accuracy

    man, i've been there. i am a 3rdSgt from brazilian air force. i know about the jungle and stuff. amazonic jungle. :D what i say is the game simulates you have no experience in survival and you ARE untrained. Else you would know how to open a can and make fire with almost anything. you would know how to cook bark and grass and be happy :D that is what the game is not adequate. or you are skilled or not. the way one shoots says he is trained. but the way one opens a can or navigates is newbiesh... what i am asking is for the devs to be consistent: give me the survival skills of a good shooter and i stay out of towns and survive only in the jungle. Or keep everything nerfed down (which i believe is better) and lets have a lot of fun with groups weaponfighting to down bayonets... shooting only when you see the white in eyes of your enemy... .
  11. o_grande_rafael

    Shooting precision and accuracy

    i dont know if you ever saw someone realy uniskilled shooting. i would say that 500m dispersion over only 50m... i think even me having quite a good training would be way wider than that in reall shootouts @ 50m...
  12. o_grande_rafael

    Hacker on US 642

    oh, i am rafael and i cannot answer for yora, since she was no in my sight that time. for jack i can answer for because most of the time he was with me. i got BE scripts restiction on that server on login, but i dont know why, since i dont hack at all. a little dupping, maybe... :D but i was not hacking and caples, the server admin and owner, is a friend and we are always in his TS.
  13. o_grande_rafael

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I realy like the Old Fields. I've been roaming arround there since I learnt the country is safer than the shore. Unfortunately, i wandered too close to Stary Sobor and got sniped. In the next reincarnation i woke in Prigorodskiy, and decided to make a run all the way to Stary Sobor, non-stop. My idea was to get into the market and grab some basic gear, a few cans of this and that, and go to the Barracks to find a proper gun. That sounded a good idea, but as i was passing near Kurmyna i saw the burnt church and stoped to scavenge a bit. People say its a good place to find Ghillies, and there i went. I started from the eastern ruins and find the usual loot: a soda can, beans and a hunting knife. But, to my delight, in the church i found an old Kalashnikov, the AKM, the 47. there was only one magazine also. Even not being a place to Avtomats to spawn, i didnt find it so unusual. perhaps someone droped it to make room for a jerry or something akind... so i pick up the gun and went my way to Stary. then i saw a blue message in the left corner "i have a broken leg and bleeding. i am in the market of stary. if you have morphine and bandage, please help me". my first thought was "damn hackers. that is an ambush". But, WTH, lets see. I am heading that way. And i still have to find axe, matches and waterbottles... i aproached stary from Pop Ivan, running quite fast. when i put up the gun (usualy i have it "down") i noticed some strange markings on the wooden stock, but believed it was just glitching from the textures and just proceeded to the supermarket. when i was almost there, kinda 50m away, i saw a guy runing down the road trailing the whole zombie horde behind him. he had no gun and just went straight in the market and the zeds behind him. Well, one more to help, i thought. I took place in the small hill behind the supermarket with the intention of clearing the zombies before aproaching. but since i had only one magazine, i should be carefull and waste no bullets. i brought the irons up, held breath and BAUMMMMMM. it was the loudest AK shot i ever heard. sounded like a .50 plus a granade. My first idea was "snap, i just woke the legions of hell and the zombies all the way to berezino are barking to me." but for my amazement, all Zs just turned their back on me and started walking away. Strange. Bugged weapon, bugged reaction. It is an Alpha after all... I went downhill toward the market to find the poor guy laying down, blood gushing out like a fountain and the legs in an very ankward fashion. he was knocked out, but i still talked to him in direct the usual crap in these situation: "Cmon, lad, breath, stay with me, you will be good in no time. hang on, man, dont die on me". i bandaged his wounds and gave him morphine, but he was out and i had no epinephrine, so i went to search for the other guy, but found nobody else or sign of the body. By the time I finished the search the guy woke up and, as token of gratitude, threw a gps on the ground. I said it wasnt needed but he insisted and i have it untill today. We saluted each other and he went his way and i went mine, which was uphill, toward the tents. It was dawn and a little brighter, and in my way to the camp, all zombies seemed to turn away from me. "Lucky day", i thought, but as i was moving my head from one side to the other i could see the markis better: there was three simbols, the david star, the crescent and a cross. there were some inscriptions also, in what i believed was arab. i took a printscreen with fraps and logged off. I sent the screenshot to a friend who speaks arbi, and he emailed the translation: "A weapon to save lifes Doctor Samir Musa Syria 1977" I've been folowing the blue letters since then. Sometimes they apear as markings on the map, sometimes as waipoints. But i always follow them. And i still have 29 cartdriges in the magazine.
  14. o_grande_rafael

    Whats the best/fastest way to get an M107/AS50?

    i found many .50 while looking for my bizon. go inland and roam inside the square formed by black mountain, devils castle, stary sobor and polana.
  15. yes. most of it is correct. i couldnt find any part that was plain wrong to comment about. :D
  16. as i said in other games, specialy battleground europe, the accuracy in the FPS games is very high. you are not a Rambo or Zaitsev. you are not even a soldier. You are a very common man that had luck. so i think how precisely you shoot should be atached to the amount of shots you did and how much time you are alive, meaning you learnt the tricks of shooting. This would also increase the chance of survival in a fire exchange to a more realistic rate. today it is too easy to die and too easy to kill. shooting is not that easy.
  17. o_grande_rafael

    US 477

    Server US 477 arround 2300utc on the northern valleys, after devil's castle. a ghillied hacker teleported to my position and shot me with a dragunov. instants before a friend told on TS the same just happened to him by the coast: a ghillied sniper/dragunov spawned/teleported to his position and shot him. i think is the same guy who did it http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58635-us-477-guy-combat-logs-behind-me-and-kills-me/ a few before (+-1/2 hour) we (arround 5 guys of 7thCav) managed to hold the line against some bandits at zub castle and we damaged their chopper really badly, so i think this might had them upset and turned into hacking to revenge.
  18. o_grande_rafael

    US 477, Guy combat logs behind me and kills me

    check http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58652-us-477/
  19. o_grande_rafael


    wrong game man. it's about zombies. not dracula.
  20. o_grande_rafael

    Will it be good to share food with others?

    that what non paranoid/schizo/psyco damaged people do. but it is quite hard to find them once in game.
  21. o_grande_rafael

    Another life is good.

    northwest uphill, nearby the lootable cabin. never killed so many zs with hatchet :D
  22. o_grande_rafael

    Hacking is out of control

    cd keys? do you realy think hackers buy it? they most likely generate it.
  23. o_grande_rafael


    hardcore survivor here. i was murdered more than once refusing to kill someone. but i still try to make friends.
  24. o_grande_rafael

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    robing is cool. executing mob style not.