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Everything posted by zamp

  1. Server: FI21 Time: 01:33 GMT+3 In cherno firestation One friend emptied a clip into his face. I emptied two somewhere towards him (didnt have a clear shot) Another friend emptied clips into him. He did bleed but didn't die.
  2. zamp

    Invulnerable player

    Server doesn't have nametags on
  3. zamp

    Time is fininte

    Yeah I know man, like what if time and space is like a thing that is/was and we are/were there but we are future baby beings that are like put in a box of universe to learn this past whatever past this is so when you die you're ripped out of the box and think WTF is that shit so then we understand this past and because of this past we're accepted to society because otherwise we would just be babies who don't understand shit.
  4. zamp

    Spice up the vehicles

    I've had the same thought about cars. At least allow us to bolt some corrugated roof metal on the cars to make them a bit more sturdy. I'm not talking about full on mad max here although personally I love the style but can't see how it'll fit in DayZ. Can't see the point of having side guns (car chases aren't that common and this ain't the loony toons). A roof mounted M240 on an off-road pickup truck on the other hand... Yes please. Sometimes I wish there was a steal beans button.
  5. Well you can try using RAMDisk and install DayZ files there.
  6. zamp

    Tent Duplication

    I've had one bug where my character just kept placing tents. I could hear the tink tink sound play maybe 12 times and I placed 12-15 tents on top of each other.
  7. zamp

    Remove high-tech tactical devices

    I cant say anything is hard to find in this game. I've got more than 10 NVG, rangefinder and GPS. I have a plethora of guns (3 or 4 thermal as50, cant remember how many)... Rarity doesn't mean anything in this game. I'd be happy to see all of that gear go. I don't want NVG or a thermal sniper rifle. GPS is nice to own but I don't like it either. GPS would become useless in a month since the satellites would get out of sync and the GPS would give you false location information. If just one satellite is out of sync your GPS could be hundreds of meters off. I wouldn't mind if all sniper rifles would go too. I have plenty of them but I never use them since going into combat with one is so f**king boring. All this tech stuff makes the game not focus on zombies which it should focus on. The people who are against losing this gear probably do so because if those items were removed from the game they'd see nothing else to do in the game, which is partly true. Zombies aren't that much of a threat and the game lacks endgame content.
  8. For now with the numerous dupe bugs rarity doesn't mean shit. Find one and you can dupe it even if you don't mean to since vehicles, tents and characters all have trouble saving and keeping track of items properly. Last time I "duped" items was with an ATV.. I lost some satchel charges I put into it and they were replaced with road flares... a good trade. And no I didn't hack nor do anything illicit. All I did was take out road flares, drop them since they suck monkey butt and replace them with the satchel charges. Save ATV and disconnect. Next time I go online and check the ATV it still has the flares I took out but no satchels. Same applies to everything. Nothing gets saved properly. Maybe it's just the server I play on though.
  9. zamp

    dayz clan clothes

    The amount of times I've been shot by a team mate is ridiculous.
  10. zamp

    ATV's suck man.

    When you flip the ATV don't get out. If you're sideways on the left side just turn wheels to max right and back up. Another player will need to give you a push (run into) it to make it move just a micrometer required to get it to start turning upright. It'll start to turn upright very slowly but just keep both D and S held down until it uprights.
  11. zamp

    Poll on Zombies

    I checked both zombies need to be easier and harder. What I had in mind was that zombies should be easier to shoot at zigzag less and zombies shouldn't hit through walls. Harder in a sense that they hit you harder but don't cause immediate bleed. Taking on 1 zombie should be piece of cake with any weapon. Taking on 4 zombies should be hard with melee but somewhat easy with a pistol (revolver or other that has low clip size) Taking on 10+ zombies should mean you're dead unless you run or have an assault rifle or SAW Now if you get hit by one zombie you almost always start to bleed and that bleed is usually pretty severe. I recon there should be different tiers of bleed. The mildest case would cease to bleed on its own after a while and wouldn't be an issue. The medium case would need to be bandaged at some point but you should be fine to bleed for minutes. Also it would turn to the mild case after a while and eventually would stop bleeding altogether. The worst case would be a gushing wound in your leg that will make you bleed out in less than 10 seconds. Also it should only happen from PVP (getting shot in the leg, where the main artery is) or if you're prone or unconscious and a zombie bites and rips a hole in you. There should be more zombies but they should be a lot slower and not like the sprinters they are now. Going into a town guns blazing should attract zombies to the sound and if they were slower it wouldn't be an issue even if they did aggro you since they'd well.. be slower. Now the zombies are just very finicky when it comes to aggro and the current system seems buggy as shit since they aggro completely at random now. Sometimes you can run past a zombie 1 meter away and they're just fine with it and sometimes (very often now) you aggro one from more than 100 meters away.
  12. zamp

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    I agree with the OP. Remove sniper rifles since they make bad end game content. What I love most about PVP is the rush that I get when I actually have to risk something to kill another player. It's always a gamble when you go in with an assault rifle or even an axe. Snipers on the other hand are so lame.. just sit in a bush and shoot everything that moves and if you have buddies let them clean up the bodies while you cover them. PVP should be high risk high gain not some asshat wanking in a bush.
  13. We're looking for more players to play. You should have low ping to servers in europe. We're looking for mature players. You need to be fluent in spoken english. We're hoping to find other nationalities than Finnish and Swedish (just in case someone talks to us ingame in some other language than fi/se/en.. like that's ever going to happen, the only thing that talks is a f**king gun nowadays). We have a private mumble server. Contact me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/zamp Gameplay style: we only engage in pvp if the target is valuable or in the way.
  14. zamp

    server hopping again

    One fix for server hoppers is to add the character into the world while they're still loading. If you login in a forest you probably won't get shot but login in a house where there's someone else there.. that's another story.
  15. zamp

    Soda can textures and camoflauge

    Don't forget Mountain Dew
  16. zamp

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    I skimmed through the document but I don't like the turrets making a beeping noise. They could instead make a servo whizzing sound when they're moving (scanning field of view).
  17. I think your character should only be able to join one server at a time. When you disconnect you stay in the world for 60 seconds. If you server swap you just have to wait until your character is "free to play" and despawned from the other server. But if you reconnect back to the same server you can just keep on playing as if nothing happened.
  18. zamp

    Remove the Hourglass When Unconcious

    It should be replaced with a text saying you're unconscious so new players don't get confused by it.
  19. zamp

    It's hard as F***!

    This is a very good skill to possess. Nowadays I only loot red/light red houses' date=' supermarkets, deer stands and other military targets. Sometimes churches and barns if they're close by but I've been killed in one far more than I've found loot in. Always check your surroundings and hope a cheater doesn't server hop on your ass. I never crawl (against zombies that is). It's too slow and if you make a mistake its hard to kill zombies on you. Also learn to read it. What I mean is that even if you have a map it doesn't show where you are until you have a GPS so you need to look at the map and your surroundings to figure out where you are. If you're completely lost you can disconnect and reconnect again to get the position text on lower right corner. That can give you a clue at least. These are a good place to find loot. They're very rarely camped but always check surroundings anyways. I've noticed that you're either careful or dead. Pick yours. Also if you know there's a deer stand long way away and can see the area with binoculars. If there's no zombies that means there's nobody inside ~100 meters from it. Zombies only spawn near players. Yes be patient and be tactical. If you're doing a run in Cherno or Elektro stick to cover. Don't run against lighter background (walls etc) unless you're sure nobody can see you. It's 100 times easier to spot people from afar than close. So always try to stay behind buildings etc. Usually you can do things either fast and risky or slow and less risky. For the first week you're probably just going to die instantly anyways since you probably don't have the skills to travel safe yet. Stay in the forest so you're not spotted easily and if you do see someone keep an eye out for them. Also make a mental note where they were headed and where they were. This way you can either ambush them or steer clear if you're not yet ready for real combat. Always figure out what you did wrong. Don't play as Rambo. That shit never works.. until it does and you axe someone to death.
  20. Make character position be saved on the server connected to and not in your character data. If you swap server you appear at the coast just like it was a new character but still keep your gear. That's pretty much it.
  21. Guy's name is Ionic. Saw the kill message. The corpse sank into ground so I guess it was because he d/c. Server was "DayZ - SE (yadda) [Regular|bla|bla] Rob and friends vilayer.com" 1:25 ish GMT+2 (finland) (+ daylight saving, counted as GMT+3 then)
  22. zamp

    Shacktac collision???

    I second this mod, looking at the video it seems 10 times better than what it's now. I get stuck in houses all the time.