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About Bashka_IF

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  1. On every server out of 7 I played lately was the same story: spawn, play no longer than 30 minutes, killed by cheater. they spawn helis, cars, change weather, walk invisible then get bored and kill all players server. they have no imagination - simple instant kill. even on a server with 5 players only there was one cheater )
  2. Bashka_IF

    Fire in woods ??

    We saw fire on Hills near Elektrozavodsk, 2 of us could see the fire, third couldn't. Strange things happened - one suddenly was hurt and broke legs, I took 3000 damage, simultaneously. Third player was ok. Then 2 minutes later I was suddenly killed by unknown reason. My friends disconnected from this server for god's sake.
  3. Bashka_IF

    "remember me" idea

    > "generally don't see the same player twice..." if you first met in store and exchange tags and later met each other in hospital then these tags will save nerves for both of you ) Yes, it will be visible from , say, 100 meters (that's distance in real life when face becomes recognizable). And primary use I think will be - tagging your teammates. And I think that bondana is better than arm tag.
  4. Bashka_IF

    "remember me" idea

    imagine - you met a guy, now you know he is good and friendly. In Real Life you remember his face, voice. Next time you see him you will not shoot at sight ) The Idea is that players can exchange some cloth tags (wear it on right arm for ex.), that is only visible to each other. And for practical use should be able to choose color of the tag I gave to another player.
  5. Bashka_IF

    Respawn Button "Confirm Suicide"

    agree. pressed "respawn" instead of "options" today.
  6. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5797&pid=258617#pid258617 most likely it is 6 launcher
  7. Bashka_IF

    Fps drops/Random Freezes?!

    >>i loaded it up with six launcher try to close it when you are on the server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5797&pid=258617#pid258617
  8. ATTENTION to developers and users ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Six Launcher is the source of severe lags ! It seems that it regularly downloads big amount of info making traffic jams so big that even Skype conversations lags. In game it was 3-7 second lags every 50-100 seconds. When I started to close it after I connect to servers it became much better. And it also big in memory (not an issue if you have plenty of it) and not quick to start (slow game verifying)/ Now I figured out how to launch DayZ without it, but will use it for mod updates.
  9. Everyone in the game should be afraid to die and don't feel to be safe. Problem: This is not the case for groups of bandits now. a bandit kills 5 newbies in a row, then if dies - friends pick him from the beach on the car and give him new equipment. show goes on. Example: Me and my friend with winchesters was in town, suddenly i saw a man with AK running to place there my friend was. I heard gun fire, and it happens that they killed each other. But this bandit acted like he didn't care about his life - he was hunting like in deathmatch. I think this should not happen in "real" situation. Even bandint don't want to die. Solution : Make death much much more unpleasant. So people don't run like rambos. the only thing that NOBODY want to loose is TIME. IDEA: Each player has killing counter (KC) that is increased when the player kills another player. And when this player dies and resurrects again he must not be able to play normally KC minutes. There are choices - don't let player login (not very good), or better let him play only like slow zombie ) Look at this as a god's punishment for killings ) What happens when player one (p1) kills player two (p2) p1.KC increased by value min(0,60 - p2.KC). how it helps: - if innocent player (KC=0) kills another innocent player - KC increased by 60. - if innocent player kills bandit with KC > 60 then players remains innocent. - if bandit kills innocent player - his KC += 60 minutes - if bandit kills another bandit then his KC remains the same or decreases, so clans of bandits can kill each other almost without penalties. Plus this KC should decrease with time, let's say -5 point in one hour in game. That is if you kill 10 innocent players then be afraid to die and serve 10 hours as a zombie ) or be3 good boy for 10 days (not real, but play time) does it sound reasonable and fair enough ?? All how like this idea - give it +1 and move the topic to the top!
  10. Bashka_IF

    Roaming zombie hordes.

    And also there should be possibility to clean towns from zombies. That is you kill all of them in town and can be safe for a period of time. but when a number of zombies in the town becomes less than say 50% of normal value a horde of them spawns in 1 or 2 kilometers away and start to move slowly into town. so this way survivors can cooperate and clean and defend towns, like in RL )