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Everything posted by col.nikolai

  1. col.nikolai

    About the new update...

    With the current spawn rate, even with eight mags for the akm, I run out before I can even clear a town now. I feel sorry for the new guys with the cruddy makerov that have to deal with this over kill. Personally I want three zombies, walkers - runners - and our monkeys. Then decrease the spawn rate and up the zombie count and I'll be happy. Its ridiculous to clear a town and poof another thirty to run from and hope I live because I used all my medications on the last attack...
  2. col.nikolai

    IF this was an actual game...

    This mod has a long way to go before I would consider it a game, add alot for content before considering the switch. Besides that I enjoy the arma2 zombie world and the two really mix well from your work
  3. yes I have discovered there are next to no medical supplies up north in villages beyond bandages, playing the game will shaking for pain killers in a three hour duration was not fun. Ultimately I was shot at the airfield when I was still looking for pain killers... But I do agree that the northern part of cherno should include more items especially in towns where buildings cannot be entered. (also would be useful for less zombies to spawn inside buildings..there is no way to remove them without alerting the whole community to you exact spot)
  4. I hope they return myself
  5. col.nikolai

    Gunshots/JSRS Support ?

    I have been using JSRS since its first release. Its the only sound modification that creates a realistic sound environment in Arma2. I believe Dayz would benefit from it greatly. However I would rather have the mod more complete then have this operational.