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Everything posted by beatSTV

  1. beatSTV

    My first kill

    Lets take a psychological stance on this extract shall we? 1. The most pressing matter would you have killed him anyway if he had told you of the goodies secreted in his backpack? 2. A hatchet is a personal way to kill someone did you hear him screaming for mercy as your axe struck him and if so what effect did it have on you? 3. Did the killing make you feel good? 4. Karma strikes, what you probably witnessed wasn't actually a hero trying to take his vengeance on a fresh spawn killer. It was probably a bandit with no skill sitting on a hill sniping the very type of person you just struck with an axe. If you answered yes to question 1/3 and were excited by the prospect of murdering the chap. Then you sir are a bandit, welcome. Just don't become the type of douche that probably killed you. If you are going to walk the dark path of banditry do it the right way, attempt to rob from people instead of KoS, break legs and then force your victim into submission. KoS should be the last resort only to be taken if you are in a dangerous area and the person you have been stalking for 20 minutes turns to see you scoping him out and is about to take action against you.
  2. Just like to put in my 2 cents on a few server hosters I have used ST, OVH and gaming deluxe Scores - ST 3 - Server performance - Ok went down occasionally, laggy as hell at high player numbers 4 - Control panel - Pretty good some nice features very clear 1 - Access to files - What access? 2 - Update Availability - meh 2 - Customer service - Ok but took ages to respond 5 - Setup time - quick and easy Scores - OVH ~(dedicated server) 1 - Server performance - Aweful laggy and would just crash for no reason / - Control panel - N/A 4 - Access to files - Good choice of OS etc 4 - Transfer time - good -20 - Customer service - never ever ever ever ever use them it is shocking they couldnt give a shit there is a reason they are cheap 4 - Setup time - good Scores - gaming deluxe (Dedicated server) 4 - Server performance - Good never drops although we have has some server issues on restart / - Control panel - N/A /- Access to files - N/A / - Update Availability - N/A 5 - Customer service - Spoke with director and he got set up and ready to go in a day 4 - Setup time - same day took a couple of hours more than told but still really quick
  3. beatSTV

    DayZ Outbreak (New Mod WIP)

    wow aggressive much. You will ALWAYS get PVP regardless of whether you think you can change it or not by creating another mod. The only way you could truly stop it would be to disable friendly fire, which would be really popular....
  4. interesting.....
  5. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Updates on AftermathI have just completed the very first test of the new system regarding Zombies on my local server (running on my machine which chews performance) I'll save all the technical bullshit and just say this.... Main City (Elektro/Cherno)250-350 Zombies (OBVIOUSLY just numbers for testing)Zero additional FPS Drop Perfectly Fine Server FPSZombies spawn and despawn from BUILDINGS not from Players, meaning a entire city can be cleared.As soon as the set range from zombie to all nearest players is complete, the Zed despawns into the NEAREST buildingAs soon as another player or that player returns, the Zombies return in the same fashion.Rule book officially blown up. Hi All, First off, a big thanks to everyone for your support; we reached 4000 members today! I can see this growth continuing to snowball as the word slowly starts to reach the masses. While the rest of the team has been busy creating amazing content, I've been creating some pretty cool places for you to explore and discover. Soon, you will need to cut down a tree/bush or even break up a rock to reveal a hidden cave entry. I've now also created some bunkered rooms at various locations, only accessible by using explosives or heavy weaponry. You may or may not find some interesting loot in these locations. I've also started work on a few more hidden areas around the map; keeping in mind that no one has found any of the original hidden areas as yet. Well at least, no one has reported finding any... We had a bit of a brainstorming session in regards to the house/base building last night and I can tell you that one idea in particular is going to blow your socks off. No other mod has this particular idea, nor have we ever heard of anyone else even using such a method. I can't wait to reveal more about it soon!! So what's the rest of the team up to? Rossy and Deadneck are flat out coding new things everyday, and coming up with some pretty cool features and ideas along the way. The 3D gods, Sparlin and Ari are continuing to manufacture miracles in the way of vehicles, weapons, misc items and eventually some new buildings. Bungle is working on numerous projects such as the GUI, custom food models and other things. Mimiick has been creating some nice PR videos to be released shortly, quite entertaning from what I have witnessed so far. Cyberbandit is playing Minecraft, and dropping in whenever we plead for help (which is often). Maca134, the new kid on the block has just completed a rather amazing base building system. It's extremely user friendly and sooo easy to use. Additionally, we will be rebranding Aftermath soon to something a little more professional. So if you log onto the forums and it looks a little different, you now know why. That's all from me, see you about!
  6. beatSTV

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    yeah should be fine
  7. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    holy shit our latest development is crazy you guys are going to love it
  8. beatSTV

    Our new Ford Escort DayZ:Aftermath

    WIP HILUX too
  9. beatSTV

    Our new Ford Escort DayZ:Aftermath

    when i get it i shall show you guys
  10. beatSTV

    Our new Ford Escort DayZ:Aftermath

    you will have buildings and you will (hopefully) have a lockable vault
  11. beatSTV

    Our new Ford Escort DayZ:Aftermath

    we are very lucky with the guys on the team
  12. beatSTV

    Our new Ford Escort DayZ:Aftermath

    thanks barack nice to have presidential approval
  13. again sparlin works his magic introducing the Molot Bekas12-M shotgun
  14. beatSTV

    [GPU] I need help

    if you can go for the 7870 the difference from a 7850 is vast about 20% faster and not that much more.
  15. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    i played last night for the first time with the new ambient sounds and weather. It was terrifying
  16. beatSTV

    Our new shotgun DayZ:Aftermath

    yeah i thought that but thats how it is
  17. beatSTV

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    solid build i would go for the 7870 if he can stretch but its still a nice strong choice
  18. beatSTV

    Our New Range Rover

    As you can see its WIP and the texture has not been added yet... however the items you see attached, bullbar, metal panels, bigger tyres and window reinforcing can all be added this will be the fully upgraded version. would love to hear your guys thoughts for more additions more vehicles. please note this is just a screenshot from the modeler not actually in game
  19. beatSTV

    Our New Range Rover

    ok i'll pass that on
  20. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    glad your enjoying
  21. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    open for 24hrs
  22. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    its quite effective silent unless your are 5 meters away and with a reasonable fire rate. Certainly is enjoyable to use
  23. beatSTV

    Dayz Thoughts (Frankie)

    personally i like him i spoke to him the other day on ts and he seems like a nice guy. The early stuff he did before the story line was entertaining to watch. His views on the standalone im not sure about. I dont think base building will be a game changing factor I believe the game play will make the game what it is. wow look at us having a civilized discussion
  24. beatSTV

    Our new Mosin Nagant

    Carbine * * 1891-30 * * With animated bolt, custom sound and mussel flash... very excited
  25. beatSTV

    Our new Mosin Nagant

    So the two nagants will be the carbine and the other the 1891-30 differences between, the carbine being shorter will have a lower velocity therefore you will need to accommodate for the bullet drop and also leading the target more. As i've said already you will be able to find the base weapons throughout the map however if any of you have played Aftermath you will know weapons are hard to come by and the sights for weapons even harder. So it should be pretty well balanced.