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Everything posted by beatSTV

  1. beatSTV


    we like it haha
  2. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    great first day guys, patch released soon to nerf zombies a bit and tweak searchables
  3. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    You won't be dissapointed the day is upon us guys get downloading and try it out
  4. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    Aftermath Live is now open for players to register! Registering for Aftermath Live not only gives you access to our awesome new online system, it also whitelists you for Aftermath Servers Worldwide. We thought we would give people access now, that way when the launch comes on Friday, you have your confirmation code and are ready to join the game! Gives us a little chance to test the system fully also, The new AM Live Support section on the forum is the place to head if you have issues. Anyways, get signed up and hold your breath for Friday!! CLICK HERE : http://live.aftermathmod.com You will require your GUID. This can be obtained via DayZ Commander under the settings menu. Our Launcher also shows your GUID opn the main menu however this will not be available until a later time.
  5. beatSTV

    DayZ : Aftermath Mod

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40474616/Aftermath_Release_0.9_Notes.pdf Release notes
  6. beatSTV


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40474616/Aftermath_Release_0.9_Notes.pdf Release notes chaps
  7. beatSTV


    you're missing the red and yellow chain in the bottom right corner
  8. beatSTV


    cheers nome you'll enjoy the latest update
  9. beatSTV


    I'm glad pretty much all additions are server side so the FPS is damn good we've also tweaked some stuff to optimize. Yeah 300mb Mission Files would be good but its slightly better than that
  10. beatSTV


    All shall be revealed release notes out in a few days
  11. beatSTV


    also just to say we've done something that even BI said was impossible :)
  12. beatSTV


    pm and its a public beta via launcher we have weekly/every few days updates and commander takes too long
  13. beatSTV

    Help with building a decent gaming PC

    That will be fine just chuck in a 660ti or a 7870 as suggested and you will max most games
  14. beatSTV

    Gooogle gladiatorZ

    Gooogle very kindly held a gladiatorZ event yesterday on Epoch in his arena here is the video prize was a heli and 4 briefcases long live gooogle
  15. beatSTV

    Gooogle gladiatorZ

    he still walks among us
  16. so this is on a public server?
  17. beatSTV

    Epoch : Black Hawk Down

    all about the musty bro
  18. beatSTV

    Realistic pistols damage

    this has been brought up so much mate, if you adjusted the damage you'd have to adjust the spawn rate/ not allow you to spawn with a pistol or PvP would go crazy i remember when you could shoot a zombie in the chest with a 45 and they would drop
  19. beatSTV

    Tank Hacker!!

    looked to be a minesweeper variant