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Posts posted by Jehuty0

  1. I had a situation where I saved a man and he was very thankful, and he was helping me,but when his friend arrived he just shot me in the face. Should I have just shot his friend? What do I do here? And thanks for all your help! :D

    Unfortunately as can be the case, this was probably predetermined, and he had every intention of setting you up for a fall when his friend arrived so they could loot your corpse. Even though you saved him, backstabbing is very common in DayZ XD

  2. I kinda feel ya man, I play mostly solo save for the infrequent times I can find a friendly player which more often than not ends with a bullet in my face. I'm not an expert, but I'm not a complete noob at the game either. Since we both seem to be looking for similar things in the game, I'd be happy to team up with another friendly player and hopefully find a group too! I live on the coast as well, albeit a bit further south (FL here).
