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Everything posted by dontblamecows

  1. dontblamecows

    Stuck on Loading

    Okay I'm getting the setup complete screen now, very frustrating. I've tried rolling back to and patch 95417 then joining a server with no luck. I've uninstalled and reinstalled on two computers that I use with no luck what so ever. I've even got a hacker friend to pull me out of the debug, give me a ghillie suit then kill me which apparently fixes it (hint: it doesn't). This is just bullshit. There should be somewhere to write an email asking for character resets or something.
  2. dontblamecows

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    Would love a solution to this extremely annoying problem. Both of the already posted ones do not work, and as such I can not play DayZ now.
  3. dontblamecows

    Stuck on ( Setup completed, Please wait...)

    Ricksway, your solution seems to have worked, I'm just at the loading screen now, however previously it would quickly load up the game and put me into the abysmal Setup complete screen. I'll add onto this if things change. Okay, that didn't help at all sadly. Still stuck in the debug wasteland, however I can do the torchlight trick to get out of the screen, wonder if killing myself will work now.
  4. dontblamecows

    Back to I guess...

    Haha, everyone laugh at this poor misinformed man thinking that the mod was made by a company. Laugh and point!
  5. dontblamecows

    In game Brony Meetup!

    I'm in, will message you now Rokor!
  6. dontblamecows

    Hacking on livestream...

    From what I've gathered, Cutthroat has simply been given a bypasser from a friend, but has not actually initiated any scripts. This has therefore not been considered hacking, and it seems you (the OP) are just on a rampant witch hunt. While I understand the hatred towards hackers, the old saying "curiosity killed the cat" is probably most applicable here. Currently the only two ways for someone to be banned legitimately is either through Battleye detection which is done very so many weeks in waves, to prevent hackers from knowing what scripts caused the ban. The other way is for the DayZ team themselves to ban a person through actual evidence given via a server admin. So please, do not go grabbing the pitchforks and torches unless you actually have proper, hard evidence, otherwise you are simply a boy calling wolf.
  7. I'm 21 years old and currently have a SVD camo. Does this make me a kid? I don't see how your logic of using s sniper = being a child, because that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Sniping takes skill in this game, you can't just point and click, you have to take into account distance and bullet drop. If you are suggesting that sniping is too prevalent and that you yourself can't combat it, try flanking them or distracting them while a friend runs around and stabs him in the back. There are many ways to take out a sniper due to how limited of a view they have, and it just sounds like you can't fathom the means to do it. Also, are you saying that men and woman in the army who have trained in long range weaponry are kids?
  8. Hey all, just wondering if anyone can lend a bit of info on this subject. Basically have a server setup with ID and everything, works perfectly fine with character coming and connecting to hive etc. However my problem is that the server isn't showing the right game type, and is thus being excused from the browser due to the new ArmA 2 beta patch. Instead of showing up as DayZ, it is showing up as Co-op. I've opened up the mission file and I can clearly see that the type is being set to co-op, so my question is, is it possible to set the type to DayZ myself without worry of being blacklisted? Also on a side note, Battleye is being listed as "not on" however it clearly says its running when the server loads. What could this be due to? Thanks for the help!
  9. dontblamecows

    DayZ Server Type Set to Co-Op

    The problem is its not in the config file that is causing the mission type to be set to co-op, its the actual mission file. So is it okay to change the mission file or will I be blacklisted?
  10. Then you realise you haven't seen an animal in for nearly 30 minutes or so, and your health bar is flashing red. Yay.
  11. dontblamecows

    Why the respawn button should be in the game

    It affects server performance, that is why it was taken out. If you were teleported to debug wasteland, just exit out of the game and re-enter, you will be teleported to the coastline. Also please consider using paragraphs.
  12. dontblamecows

    Bring back the respawn button

    I'm sorry that people are being stuck in the debug wilderness or inside a building they can't get out of, that really sucks. However the respawn button was taken out due to how badly it hurt the servers whenever someone used it. It had to actually pause the server so that it could figure out where to spawn that person, so times it by 50 people and you have a lot of bad server performance.
  13. Chernarus is 220km squared. That is 48400km of land. Your average server has 50 people on it, meaning each person would have on average 968km of land to themselves if spread out equally. That is why you don't see many people, because the land is so huge people are spread out so thinly. Plus this with the fact many people will get some gear in Cherno/Elektro and then head north through various means, causing people to split.
  14. dontblamecows

    Da fack happend to the M1911

    That has always been the case, the Makarov is a very weak gun compared to the .45.
  15. dontblamecows


    Suddenly, DayZ has turned into a "nobody else can play this game bar me!"
  16. Having the respawn button enabled was actually pausing servers so they could figure out where to place that person. Having a good 10-15 people just spamming respawn until they get to their favourite location was killing server performance, and so it was removed. Yes running into a town and dying by zombies is the same deal, but it isn't re-occurring as much and as easily as the respawn button allowed. This change is a good thing, it just seems people want to be spoon fed their locations and be able to easily spawn near a large town, grab their gear and run off. That isn't much of survival is it?
  17. dontblamecows

    How do you Destroy Wire Fences?

    You need a toolbox to actually dismantle it, but be weary that you have to look right in the direct middle pole to remove it. Also you don't get a kit when you dismantle it.
  18. dontblamecows

    Is DayZ borked atm?

    Doesn't even work when direct connecting. Will either freeze up entirely, or when you've just loaded in get disconnected instantly with no proper message just "you've been kicked".
  19. dontblamecows

    Is DayZ borked atm?

    You can direct connect, however I'm noticing I keep getting kicked without any error message, just a "you've been kicked from the game".
  20. dontblamecows

    I guess 1911 was a bad year

    My point is that getting riddled with bullets and then eating some meat is part of it being a "game". While Arma 2 is a great realistic simulator, it still has to have some balancing of weapon damage, otherwise being one shot all the time would cause a lot of annoyance. I'm not saying there should never be one shot hits, if you get hit with a AK 47 in the head you should die, same with any form of a high ballistic scoped rifle. I'm just saying certain things are unrealistic in this game, because it is a game.
  21. I believe he was just saying how DayZ is doing so well even though it's a very harsh survival simulator. Call of Duty will always succeed, there are enough frat boys to power sales for a long time.
  22. dontblamecows

    What's the alternative to Six Laucher again?

    You can run DayZ through a cmd shortcut that will ensure it runs as the beta version, or you can run it through Steam. Follow this guide if your interested http://www.ausgamers.com/features/read/3227472
  23. dontblamecows

    I guess 1911 was a bad year

    Try shooting yourself then healing with a blood bag or eating meat to instantly give back blood.
  24. dontblamecows

    Why does everyone hide in the woods?

    Chernarus is 225KM squared, it is huge for 50 players. They would get roughly 1012km of space to their own if they were spread out, meaning the chances of seeing someone is highly unlikely unless you go into the hot spots. You have to remember people travel north, and through forests and villages so you may not see them until you hit up a hotspot. Also your comment about people not being tactical, well this is a military simulator, people can't seem to grasp that you can't just hold down and shoot, you have to aim and take pot shots.
  25. Have you ever thought that maybe the GA guys are busy trying to sort out the DayZ servers, and just can't say why they are taking so long? Have you ever thought that maybe you aren't the only person wanting servers, and that maybe due to security risks or how the DayZ staff take forever to actually get back to people is slowing down the process? Maybe you should get off your throne and try your hand at hosting a server, because it is a bloody hard job. Their servers will come when they come, just a matter of time and you should stop your bloody whining.