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About Yiddus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    I am 20 years old. I live in the Netherlands and I am English. I play casually (referring to the amount of time spent on the game), but taking it quite seriously when it comes to surviving, I always play with a couple of friends!
  1. Yiddus

    Hackers / Weird shit

    Possibly hackers or server admins abusing powers D:
  2. Yiddus

    Fun Fact About Stary and Novy

    I'm pretty sure it means New/Old Church yeah ^^
  3. Yiddus

    Killing for teh lulz...

    Most murders I got in one life was ~80... but it balances out with the # of zeds I decapitated.
  4. Yiddus

    free bicycle

    Not sure if trap.
  5. Yiddus

    Killed by zombies?

    This would be exploited. People could fuck with the server by just running to a group of zeds and dying, repeatedly. No.
  6. Yiddus

    how to learn aiming / shooting

    Best way to learn how to aim well is just by playing, the main thing you have to keep in mind is bullet drop (:
  7. Yiddus

    What tools do you carry?

    1x Chem 1x Flare - Blinding/Distract Zombies 3x Lee Enfield Mags 1x Water Bottle 1x Cooked Meat 1x Morphine Injector 1x Blood Bag
  8. Yiddus

    Rocket, don't do it like Notch

    Let me know when you're first on leaderboards as longest time survived... then we can talk about "endgame"
  9. Yiddus

    Alt+F4 exploit after killed

    Yeah sadly exploiting Alt+F4 isn't punishable as of yet. In the future they will add content to prevent people from doing this!
  10. Yiddus

    Limit vehicle saving to 1 per player

    Not sure why this is an issue, find their camp and steal it (: I've found 2 vehicles so far and they were both in camps, killed someone for one once... exploring is profitable :D
  11. Yiddus

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    I think it would destroy the balance of the game. To be a survivor in an apocalyptic world you also need to be a jack of all trades, specialisation won't help you survive imho.
  12. Yiddus

    Random military encounters

    I can see that being pretty exciting but if it happened too often it'd be a pain in the butt.
  13. I've not really given the FN FAL that much thought... My favourite gun is actually the Lee Enfield... I can headshot people miles away with that thing. I'd only trade a Lee Enfield for a sniper, probably.
  14. You lose 20 blood per tick... I believe it ticks every second. You die when you reach 0 blood. So yes, it is as the wiki says (: . Your best option is to get to a supermarket as fast as you can! Check dayzdb.com/map for a detailed map with the supermarkets and other high priority locations listed.
  15. When you spawn, look in the bottom right, it says where you are - look it up on maps such as dayzdb.com/map ... Once you know where you are, run along the coast or follow power lines as you'll always end up at another town. - Try to avoid walking on roads. As the previous posters have said... zig-zag up a hill, running diagonally, forcing the zombies to slow-walk or run into large buildings where the zeds are also forced to slow walk. The best place to find a starting weapon is in farm buildings - you'll find lots of hatchets there. The hatchet is probably your best weapon against zeds. Once you have a hatchet, focus on going to one of the larger towns to get to a hospital or a supermarket for supplies. Once you have those it's really up to you. I usually head inland to find military bases, helicopter crashes and airfields!