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Everything posted by vile.

  1. While there is always a chance your tents/vehicles will be found by someone else, if you take the time to find good spots and place only one tent at each spot you should always have plenty of supplies to gear yourself up again after a death. Just find good spots between pine trees so that the tent cannot be seen unless players come very close to it, always place them at least a few hundred meters apart from each other and ever better on different servers. That's how me and my friends do it and while we have lost a few tents so far, most of them have been safe for weeks and if one does get raided its not really a big deal since we have others to fall back on.
  2. vile.

    Heli crash site loot spawns

    Most of the time they are already at least partially looted. Of the 6 heli crash sites i've found so far, two were completely empty, one had only a l85 aws without ammo (which i immediatly dropped since i was a total noob and didnt know how rare it was), two had a FN FAL with some ammo but nothing else, and ONE that was completely untouched and it had at least two FN FALs, one M107 and some stuff on the other side that i didnt bother to check out since i just grab a FAL, the m107 and ran :D But yea, most of the time the best stuff has already been taken by someone else. The drops themselves are usually found ~1m next to the helicopter and sometimes under its tail but afaik should be fairly easy to see.
  3. vile.

    DayZ Do's and Don'ts

    lol, that reminds me of one of the first times my mates and i were raiding berezino. Me and two other guys were going to raid the supermarket after clearing out the apartments while i hear another on ts: "dont worry guys, i'll cover you from the roof of the apartment building!" 5 seconds later ---> "WHAT THE FUCK!?!? i'm dead :("
  4. vile.

    DayZ Do's and Don'ts

    Actually, never go prone on small objects coming out of the ground, like rocks, door frames, tree stumps, etc... And also be very careful when opening doors or gates as they can crush you to death. On my first decently geared character, i thought id loot one more building before logging off so i went into a small residential building that was completely surrounded by zeds. Not wanting to draw aggro i closed the doors and used prone to crawl from room to room and after i went over a 2 cm high door frame my legs were broken and i lost ~2k blood. After that i thought np, ill just log off in the forest until a friend can bring me some morphine. Then on my way out of the building the damn door broke my neck and killed me with -37k blood :D So yea, be careful while prone and around doors.
  5. vile.

    Thirst and Hunger?

    Afaik, after the symbols start blinking you have 15 minutes to eat/drink or you will start taking damage very slowly. My friend actually managed to survive ~30 minutes after his health started dropping and still had ~7k hp left when he finally found a can of beans.
  6. Agree 100%. Haven't had this much fun in a game for years! Thank god a friend told me about this game when i was still pissed about the huge D3 fail that i actually wasted 60€ on. DayZ just reminds me of the good old days, when games were not afraid to punish the player for making a mistake and your actions still had consequences. And i can't think of a more thrilling PvP experience since UO over 15 years ago.
  7. Patch 1.7.2 seems to have broken the single player component of OA and i was wondering if any of you guys know a way to fix this... The Editor still "works" but most of the units are missing and 90% of the vehicles that still show up in the list don't actually appear when you place them on the map. Scenarios seem to be completely broken now, as in you cannot even get past the loading screen in most, and if you can you spawn as a motionless camera 10m off the ground. Haven't tried the SP campaign but i think its broken as well. I only play DayZ, but like to screw around with the editor every once in a while and i wanted to try a few custom scenarios for shooting practice so it kinda sucks that this component of the game is just broken now. Reinstalling might fix it, but updating DayZ will probably just break it again so i wanted to ask here first if anyone has been able to fix this.
  8. vile.

    Helicopters in 1.7.x

    I'd also like to know if legit choppers still exist. Would suck if they were all removed imo.
  9. vile.

    Saving tent after death question

    Would like to know this as well.
  10. Get in the drivers seat, then switch to back seat and you can access it.
  11. In the barracks i picked up the m9sd and left everything else there and when my mate checked it out 15 minutes later it was completely empty. It could not have been looted by another player either, since we where watching the entrance and windows after i went outside. At the balota airstrip loot seemed to respawn whenever another player made his way to the airstrip from the 4x deerstand camp and it did so even though my mate never left the building during that time.
  12. Loot despawns in 1.7.2, or at least it did 2 days ago. I was looting the southern barracks on the NWAF and grabbed a m9sd and left a pdw and 2x m1014 and some other stuff there. After that me and my mate were watching the barracks for ~15 minutes waiting for other players to arrive and since there was nobody else he went inside just to find everything there had disappeared. The same thing happened on the Balota airstrip a day earlier. He was inside the tower while i covered the staircase/ladder and during the whole time he was inside loot kept respawning when other players approached it. That episode lasted maybe 45 minutes during which he never left that tower and loot respawned 2 times which is also the amount of other players we killed there after they tried to loot the airstrip.
  13. So i was covering my friend while he was moving around the NE airfield a few hours ago with a M107 and suddenly there's 3 vehicles driving up to the hangars with 1 players inside of each. Since it was a military location it was kill or be killed and they were pretty close to my mate... One of them was driving a civilian bus and after he got out i just aimed at the drivers seat, waiting for him to get back in to take him out. He was exactly 698 meters away from my location and directly facing me. So i zeroed my rifle to 700m, aimed at his throat and shoot him as soon as he got back into the bus, only to realize the shot didn't get past the windshield. Is this a bug? Cause after that they spotted my buddy and killed him which probably wouldn't have happened if i managed to kill one of them first. Has this ever happened to you before or did i just encounter a weird bug/lag/whatever...?
  14. Alright, thx for the info, i will know better next time.
  15. Hmm you sure about this? Cause the bus was facing me exactly, and considering bullet drop the impact would have been exactly in the center of his chest without the windshield. So the deviation would have to be like 45 degrees after hitting the windshield and considering the windshield was maybe 75cm from his body that would be extremely unrealistic. Can anyone confirm that you can shoot through intact windshields in DayZ atm? Im sure i didnt miss cause i was sitting at a sniper spot ive been practicing shots from in the editor 20 minutes before... So if it was a bug i'll keep trying to shoot people in vehicles, but if not ill just kill them before they get in from now on.
  16. I was aiming exactly at his throat when i fired the shot so i couldn't have possibly missed since the bus was still standing still. But i guess corruptshadow is right and you just cannot shoot through intact windshields atm...either that or it was massive server lag. Good to know, thx for the info.
  17. Title says it all. Searched the forums but I couldn't find any solid info. I'm guessing it's locked at ~1500m but I'm not sure. How far can you see in DayZ at the moment and is it the same on all servers?
  18. vile.

    Vision range in DayZ?

    Alright, thx for the info guys.
  19. Imo 1.7.2 is great. My fps went up by ~10, and i like the increased vision range on the infected. They weren't much of a threat before, and while its harder to avoid them now its still perfectly possible to raid towns without drawing aggro. You just have to use prone if there are infected nearby, generally move slower, and sometimes move back and wait for them to move out of your way. Neither me nor any of my friends have lost any of their gear, tents or vehicles and the servers we usually play on work great.