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Everything posted by Bobcomss

  1. Bobcomss

    I'm back baby!

    After a 4 month leave of DayZ I have started playing again! Looking forward to hunting some bandits and filling them full of lead ;)
  2. Bobcomss

    Hunting animals

    I like this idea, I do think animals need to be harder to find and hunt BEANZ FOR YOU!
  3. This made me lol....Beanz for you!!! :D
  4. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    No problem :) Look at tower PC's though, might find something you like, and if you're interested in getting into gaming rigs then that will be your best option :) Good luck! AJ
  5. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    Eurgh I really hate all-in-ones lol [PC builder rage >.<] It is good for the specs though Just me personally wouldn't get an all in one for gaming as cant upgrade :/ for future stuff, but I understand money needs and space :) But yes it will work (:
  6. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    Ok no problem, You are buying a pre-built PC I see from other post correct? Mind linking it?
  7. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    Also what budget have you got? Let me know price and I might be able to sort you something out, I assume you have... .Case .MOBO, that will run said processors [LGA 1155] .Sound card
  8. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

  9. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    No idea, prob best looking on google for that :D or e-mail them direct :) But I run a 1 year old i7 950 3.06Ghz [bloomfield] and it runs everything on high, even Crysis :D I also have 6Gb Ram Nvidea 560 Ti 1024Mb GPU Windows 7 500Gb
  10. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    Yeah it should be fine to run it, my advice is download the demo of ARMA first which runs on low settings, then if that works get the MOD :) EDIT:- Why you chose that processor? you can get and i5 that has at least 3.0GHZ for same price if you look? IGNORE THAT ^^^^^^^^^^^ You might be better of just getting a sandybridge instead of Ivybridge as the differences are not that amazing for the price difference....read this http://www.pcmag.com...,2405317,00.asp Try looking at this? http://www.overclock...<br /><br />Cheaper and in my opinion better, it is the one I am going to be getting next year hopefully :) Wait just found this! http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-403-IN End Sunday most likely though this offer!
  11. Bobcomss

    Will these specs run arma 2 and the day z mod?

    Yeah looks fine to me :)
  12. Bobcomss

    Fork Lift Truck

    Got to talking to a forklift driver at work about zombie apocolpyse and he just said, I would get my forklift raise the lift and drive at them! Got me thinking...with all the docks and industrial build ups on the coast forklifts could be added as another vehicle, we have tractors so please so THAT'S A STUPID IDEA! WOULDN'T ADD ANYTHING! please, as tractors in my opinion or just there for lol's :D Would be just like any other vehicle need repairing, raising and lowering the lift wouldn't really do much but could be used to lift a friendly onto a roof or something to ambush people ;) . Also the gas canister on the back could be detached and be used as a weapon or bomb, like this :) Canister + Flare to attract zombie's eg NWAF....Shoot it...BOOM! Or no flare, leave it near a building wait for someone to enter....Shoot it... BOOM!... Dead guy is dead! 01:26:25 New scene - gore CJ throws a gas bottle from the top of the armory store. Duration: 00:54 Click links to get pic by pic view of what I mean :) http://www.movie-cen...s/1988/2604.jpg http://www.movie-cen...s/1988/2605.jpg http://www.movie-cen...s/1988/2608.jpg http://www.movie-cen...s/1988/2609.jpg http://www.movie-cen...s/1988/2612.jpg
  13. Bobcomss

    Fork Lift Truck

    O.O Forklift-ception!
  14. Bobcomss

    Fork Lift Truck

    Yeah, or if you find a broken car you could pick it up and bring it to a safer position :D
  15. Bobcomss

    Fork Lift Truck

    Yeah that is basically what I thought could go with his Mod, being able to lift friends into places you cant reach on own, stacking old cars together to build some form of defence....list is endless :D
  16. Bobcomss

    Bullet Proof West

    Been discussed before and ended up with flame war *sigh* But I said in older post was.... Good idea and should be super rare, like 0.5% only at NWAF or Heli sites, should range from 100% to 0% protection (obviously if you get shot and die through the chest from a .50cal the vest wont be as effective if another player decides to take it from your warm dead body, also it shouldn't take up back pack slot as you can easily wear one with body armour. Would like to see it added to game but only in standalone :) P.S. Vest not West! :P
  17. I want to be able to collect the heads of zombies and do this.... http://www.videobash.com/video_show/shotgun-3229 :)
  18. Bobcomss

    Awesome Heli Crash sites

    4 FN Fal 1 AS50 plenty of ammo Kitted out my entire clan before we all got munched by a hacker :D
  19. Bobcomss

    Get drunk and poison your mates.

    Pretty much what I was thinking.... I would also say that if your in shock/pain you could drink the alcohol to ease the pain.... Did it back in the day :D so why not in a zombie apocalypse
  20. My money is itching to be spent on this!!! O.O
  21. Bobcomss

    Does humanity save?

    As far as I can tell it is a common issue
  22. Bobcomss

    Bandits should have more consequences

    Another thread of.... Woe me I died and lost my gear! why are bandits not punished why oh why! BBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Rule #1 Dont get attached to gear
  23. Bobcomss

    Spawn in groups.

    I have never liked the idea of spawning in groups, I can see how it is useful as I do play with a clan now of around 10 people, but it would just take away the whole fun of dieing then being back on the coast with nothing. What fun is there if you die...then you just hit re-spawn near (never on) player1 and you spawn like 250m away and you can gear up instantly... for me that shite and ruins the game... once stand alone comes out aswel and Zed's are more dangerous this will also make it more fun and thrilling :D Could go on more about this but my lunch break is over :) Just my opinion... Sum it up...No...this is a horrible idea...sorry :)
  24. Bobcomss

    I pulled a shane

    Hehe that was good, done this a few time myself :D Even my own brother @.@