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Booker (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Booker (DayZ)

  1. Booker (DayZ)

    Why we're losing players.

    That's a factor but I also think that the hype about DayZ has slowed down too in terms of the mod since there is only so much you can do with it. A lot of players are being deterred because of the glitch/hacking issues too I suppose and the announcement that a standalone has come out may have put people on stand-by until the "real game" comes out. Otherwise It's still successful as hell and is doing fine. Interested has successfully be drummed up and the standalone is in development with rocket's blasters at full propulsion.
  2. Booker (DayZ)

    Easy method of seeing just how many hackers there are

    Need to take into account that servers are located in different time zones too and people generally prefer to play at daytime over night time. So the number will change dramatically over such long periods of time.
  3. Booker (DayZ)

    Loading prob (I read the FAQ)

    Same problem, bump!
  4. Booker (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Maybe that's something to do with humanity :P There was mention of cosmetic humanity indicators in the future :D
  5. Looks like you died.
  6. Booker (DayZ)

    noob and hacker

    enjoy it while it lasts.
  7. Booker (DayZ)

    Transfuse with your own blood

    Having different types of blood bags would be cool, like you specifically have to find your blood type. Would mean people would have to raid hospitals more I guess.
  8. Yeah hackers can walk around invisible, they can still talk to you and all that. They can see your name on the map and your location and everything, They can pretty much do what ever they want.
  9. wow man, no.2 is pretty god damn scary. I do believe if that happened to me I would shit myself.
  10. Booker (DayZ)

    Athene discovering hacking in DayZ

    Athene comes to DayZ, I don't think so some how. Hackers will find him, and terrorize him. Maybe we could this operation hacker bait and it might give the rest of us to get a couple hours gameplay in without encountering as many hackers.
  11. Booker (DayZ)

    dayz streamer with giveaway

    Watched it for a brief moment and it was you, with some other survivors throwing tin cans at each other in a warehouse.
  12. You can't be banned for using hacked gear. You can be banned if you spawned it in with a script though. Enjoy it while you have it.
  13. Booker (DayZ)

    One Million Survivors cartoon tribute

    Haha, he shot like 50 Makarov bullets and then rages and throws the gun. That's awesome.
  14. Speculating on what War Z's anti cheat system will be is like speculating how tall jack's magic bean stalk is.
  15. Booker (DayZ)

    Thunderdome + Stalking my prey

    I went to the thunderdome and won.
  16. Booker (DayZ)

    will this graphics card run dayz good?

    That means you need a new computer then, that graphics card is terrible and won't run it well at all, specially if that is the best graphics card your system can run. DayZ is cpu intensive too. Get a new computer, a good one.
  17. Booker (DayZ)

    You fail to understand hacking

    I guess, but a lot of this game is discussed on boards like reddit and 4chan, those places are rampant with people who want to piss off other people =/ The kinda people that have "been trollin' since 09".
  18. Booker (DayZ)

    I found a thermal AS50

    You don't get banned for using hacked weapons, you can only be banned for spawning them.
  19. Booker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    So instead of a hotfix, it's a patch coming out. Interesting, hopefully more content when we see it go live.
  20. Booker (DayZ)

    Trading: Mountain Dew

    Just drink it.
  21. Booker (DayZ)


  22. Booker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Having read the majority of the 138 pages, we can make an educated guess that it's Monday 30th.
  23. Booker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Well the dates were Wednesday & Thursday, and I recall it being said that it wouldn't be on a Friday or the weekend so it will be Monday I suppose.
  24. Booker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    I had a great dish of spinach ravioli for dinner & got some sun myself today too, thing about the sun was I decided to try even out my vest tan in the park, so I took my vest off and lay down in a grassy field in the park and ended up falling asleep, I woke up 45 minutes later all sweaty with loads of grass and sticks stuck to me and what I believe was borderline heatstroke. Anyhow, I'm glad to know your hope is tonight for the patch, so hopefully we'll have a little luck there but who knows! and the target date change seemed to be giving people the impression you believed in time-travel so glad we've clarified it was a joke :P
  25. Booker (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    For the sake of being more productive than the current discussion, I wonder what Rocket had for dinner?