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Everything posted by haavardmofo@hotmail.no

  1. Hi guys, I was wondering if there was any out there, that might've been intrested in helping me start a new DayZ role-play server? I've got the cash for it, but I need tips for good sites where I shall order servers and so on. Please contact me!
  2. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    Starting a new ROLEPLAY SERVER! IN NEED OF HELP!(Where to buy server?)

    Yes, what Gladhippie said. There aren't allowed to do any KoS and such. But do you guys know of any hosting sites that sells private hive servers?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0tOh8I5PwE&feature=plcp
  4. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    ARMA 2: DayZ Mod — One Man Army #1

    Hi guys! New series on Arma 2 - Day Z Mod ;) Would appreciate a like, comment, favourite & subscribe(iption) if you didn't yet. Thanks for your time! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4LQOVeutpk&feature=plcp
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po6EK8v5078&feature=plcp
  6. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [VIDEO] Lingor Island - Let's Play! Part 3

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUpWxIeibcc&feature=plcp Any feedback is appreciated, thanks :)
  8. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [VIDEO] Lingor Island - Let's Play!

  9. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [VIDEO] Lingor Island - Let's Play!

    It's true Kuolio.
  10. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    Looking for a Active Bandit Group/squad/clan

  11. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Hacker psychopath / Good Guy Jason.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxsf-krr2RU&feature=plcp WHAT THE FUCK?!
  12. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Hacker psychopath / Good Guy Jason.

    Haha well, he's really one of a kind. He even commented on our video; :) SirExzib 1 hour ago
  13. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Hacker psychopath / Good Guy Jason.

    I'm glad you liked the video. Hopefully, we'll encounter him again.
  14. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Hacker psychopath / Good Guy Jason.

    It was creepy, but funny.
  15. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Hacker psychopath / Good Guy Jason.

    Also, go to 06:03 if you want to skip direclty to the action.
  16. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video] Bandit Women - Episode 2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD03tP8_VWU&feature=plcp Enjoy<3
  17. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video / Series] Bandit Women - Episode 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smj0g1svsrA&feature=plcp Hi guys! First of all, thank you for all of the support you've been giving us since day one, we're now partnered with TGN! I really can't thank you enough. Me and my clanmates fundated in what we though were appropriate content for ya'll, and we concluded to make a "montage-serie" looky thing. I hope you enjoy! NOTE: We are not women IRL if that came to mind. Also, please don't post things such as; "god you guys r retards for killing innocent players" - You can't really trust anyone---- at all, no exceptions. Enjoy.
  18. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [Video / Series] Bandit Women - Episode 1

    Thanks for not making that a flame post. Got any ideas on what we can make?:)
  19. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    [VIDEO] What we do to traitors!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWtHbAadAHk&feature=plcp So one of our clan members named "Jonathan" had recently been fucking us over big-time. So we decided to do an old fashion way executionary style on him. Enjoy.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO4inYaQYGo&feature=plcp So after our intense firefight at the NW airfield, we decided to head down to Vybor to try and find some Jerry Can's and vehicle parts. We more or less stumble upon a V3S filled with gear & end game loot.
  21. So we decided to head to the NW Airfield to get some fine loot. On our way there, we meet a group of bandits that opens fire at us. We immediately engaged them and are able to take them out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPsZlGyYQaA&feature=plcp
  22. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    GB #00 GTAForums

    Someone just teleported to us and shot us down... literally like MOWING down. Stay away from the server!
  23. haavardmofo@hotmail.no

    DayZ - Engaging a group of people at the NW Airfield.

    On our home server they are not that bad. It all comes down to how many wire fences there are around, more or less.