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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. The fact that there's hackers means there's a flaw in the game design. If so many people feel the need to hack, it's because the game is broken or too hard in some way. The clear solution is to add hacks for everyone thus reducing the game to the skill level that an obvious majority will enjoy. It's clearly the only option until standalone comes around.
  2. You're right, dayz needs a function like this too -- Great suggestion. If you pay $15 you get the crate spawn DLC, I don't have loads of time to play either that would level the playing field. Fantastic idea, ArmA-Nicholas :)
  3. Look at what proportion of the community hacked in some form or another within the last 24 hours: I think the facts speak for themselves. We need to do something against this, if you just sit there and do nothing you're as bad as the hackers... :thumbsup:
  4. Why should he? Not everyone wants to roll over and take it like a bitch as you seem to.
  5. If you've had to buy multiple copies because you got banned for hacking, will you get an even bigger discount?
  6. Look, this is a serious discussion thread about a major issue. Please don't just troll it. It's no longer hacking if it's legalized. If the thread is upsetting you, simply don't post. If the guy chasing you with a gun is upsetting you, simply don't live any more. No, these are not the principles that the united states of america were founded on. Our forefathers fought and died for what they believed in -- They wanted change from the oppression and they fought to get it. We want change to take the power away from hackers and we will not just "stop" petitioning because we're a nuisance for you.
  7. This is a suggestion thread to implement changes. Hard concept to grasp, I know.
  8. If all you want to do is play a game full of hackers running rampant, maybe you should try another game?
  9. Do you know how hard it is to get a helicopter legit? All the parts it takes to fix one? All the fuel it takes? Try doing it with no vehicles on your own or with 1 other person it takes hours or days. I've tried fixing exactly 4 helicopters. Every single time I've lost them to hackers before I could even use them. The last time I actually got it 100% fixed and was in it starting the engine to take off. Obviously the hacker had been watching patiently and before I could take off he spawned about 10 helicopters on and around my one so I couldn't move or take off. Then he started throwing grenades, sure I had time to log off but what was the point? All I want to do is fly a helicopter, I don't think it's a huge demand. And so if we could all legally use hacks I could spawn myself one. Why should it only be hackers and corrupt clan admins who get to use helicopters? Oh Rocket said that did he? The same man that's been wrong about 100x? Take his statements and "facts" with a pinch of salt. He's admitted as much himself. You can take quotes from him 1 month ago to rebuttal quotes he made this month.
  10. "I play on railway tracks and I don't get hit by trains so it's perfectly safe" Thanks for your anecdotal evidence, I'll file that away under P for pointless crap.
  11. What? I don't spend hours farming loot or get attached to anything. That's the point. I have whatever you can scrounge in 10 - 20 minutes. Usually an alice pack / tools / lee enfield. Before the clown faced god mode wookie spawns on me and unloads 60 .50 cal bullets into me. That's how it goes every death. That gets boring, ya know? The "big picture" is the hackers rule this game. You know the only people being banned by battle eye at the moment are legit non hacking players? All of the script kiddies download their hacks off of forums which tell them exactly how to bypass battle eye. There's a script at the moment which forces legit clients to run scripts in order to get banned. So play legit = banned. Hack = unbanned and have fun. What sense does that make? All we're asking for here is a level playing field... Where you can play legit, have fun and not get banned when you shouldn't. What's so wrong with that?
  12. I don't see your problem. If you want to play the game your way, that's fine. Just opt out of using the hack tools, don't interfere with everyone else though. You can play the game how you want still... We're just getting more options and the best thing a games company can do is give its community more options and choices.
  13. That's tough when someone spawns on you and satchels you instantly. That sort of thing happens approx every 20 minutes. Good luck ignoring that.
  14. I logged onto DE4 earlier and met 9 seperate people. 6 of them were hacking in various forms... When 60% of the server population is hacking you've got a serious issue. Why should us legit 40% have to deal with this? I want a wookie outfit and helicopters too...
  15. Oh survival? That's hard though, you know what with the whole... ...Dying to hackers after 20 minutes of play time? I think the game lost its point about 3 months ago. Good luck living in denial, but the rest of us want a solution.
  16. I hate to say it but I agree. The mod is just a test bed for buggy features at this stage it's a stagnant pool of broken dreams until the standalone is out -- So why not let everyone spawn a crate of weapons to make up for all the hacker deaths. You think anything short of 40% of the population isn't hacking at the moment anyway? Do you think it makes any difference to the testing of dogs and bear traps if everyone's got a wookie outfit and a thermal scoped AS50? Battleye does nothing! In fact, battle eye is currently mass banning "innocent" people because hackers are forcing their clients to run scripts. Until battle eye sorts its shit out and dayz goes standalone I don't see anything wrong with this... Anyone disagreeing with this is just a hacker who wants to keep his advantage over the community. :rolleyes:
  17. The AS50 TWS actually used to be a legit weapon many moons ago until it was stopped from spawning. However, it's pretty safe to say any floating around now are either duped copies of the original or straight up hacked in. You won't be banned for using hacked weapons, but that particular one is trolling on a new scale. It's like shooting fish in a barrel frankly and I imagine you'd get bored with it quickly. The concept of "dump it in a body to get it out of circulation" is a nice thought, but at this stage a little naive. While it's doing your small part to help and if everyone did their small part it would make a big difference -- It's like you being on the titanic and trying to bail out water using a tea cup. A hacker can log on a server and spawn in 5,000 of those with the run of a script so it doesn't matter what well meaning sacrifices you make at the end of the day. You'd prolly get server banned by an admin for using that weapon for being a hacker, which frankly isn't too far off the bat. Server admins get away with all manner of bullshit like locking down servers, hoarding all the vehicles, kicking or banning people to suit their needs. But I have to say banning someone for using an extremely OP most likely hacked in weapon is one of the actions I wouldn't moan about.
  18. First of all, if you're about to say any of the following this thread isn't for you: -Dayz has enough guns! -Dayz dosent need new outfits, how will I know who people are? OMG! -Dayz needs more civilian guns not military! -Rocket needs to fix bugs first! -I don't like variety, I'm as boring as a carrot! -Rocket needs to fix the hacking problem first! -Alphas aren’t for content herp derp! All of that is irrelevant. None of these additions will effect Dayz in a negative way. And what’s best of all? It's already in Arma II -- Patiently waiting to be added to the loot tables. The majority of you people who hate change are wondering from barn to barn with a Winchester anyway, this is beyond you. This won't take up major efforts to fix other bugs, it could be added by the time Rocket has had 2 cups of coffee. "But hackers will just spawn in X or Y OMG OMG" -- You should not balance your game or your content based on hackers or dupers. They are a problem to solve separately, you don't start band-aiding other portions of your game -- Fix it at the route problem. WEAPONS: Here's a list of weapons from Arma II which could be added to the game. 90% of them use ammunition already available in the game and simply add variety, they fit the theme of a former soviet bloc country and they're not overpowered. There's literally no reason not to add these in the game beyond "I’m as boring as corduroy and don't like variety". I agree the game needs more civilian weapons and melee weapons, but none of those are actually sitting in the Arma 2 files going "hay guy use me, omg what are you doing use me already": Military installations (deer stands, hangers, fire stations, control towers etc): AKS SVD RPK Saiga 12k Makarov SD (Takes makarov and makarov SD ammo) Barracks: AKS-74 PSO PKM PKP RPG-7V (replacing the current rocket launcher) M40A3 Camo Helicopter crash sites: L85A2 Susat GL "Why do you want very similar weapon types added to the game? We already have a LMG, we have an AKM why add an AKS?" Why not -- It's in the game files. This is meant to be an open sandbox world. Cosmetic change is good, not every weapon needs to be literally different in ability. So what you have 2 assault rifles that are exactly the same? Maybe someone likes the look of the AKS better. Who does it hurt to add it? OUTFITS: As much as it's lovely spawning looking like a CIA operative / private contractor who doesn’t even have the basic items of survival -- A little more variety would be nice. Again, all of this is already in the game -- Nothing new is being "made" here. I'm not sure why the current camo outfit was chosen over everything else in the game? It makes little sense. Not only is it in the BA pack (and thus most people don't have it = blurry textures) but it totally dosen't fit the theme... You look like a mercenary extra from the Expendables. If anything you'd be wearing a hotchpotch of military surplus gear available such as ex-German flektarn parkas which are everywhere in the world or Russian mil surplus camo. OR failing that... The clothes off of the soldiers laying all over the floor. But I digress... To the outfits: These could be lootable in residential / military locations. The camo outfits are a total must. The current camo outfit in game is a joke. Most people see the textures as a blur and it has no sleeves! Super sneaky pink arms (Unless you go as a black guy, but these characters are meant to be modelled on ourselves, no?). But how will we tell who is a survivor and who is a zombie? Pro tip, zombies eat people. This is a sand box game which implies freedom and yet everyone looks like a clone... Until they loot one of the other 2 outfits... Then they look like a bush / African mercenary. Come on now. How good would the following statements be? "WOAH, I JUST GOT KIDNAPED BY A PRIEST AND A DOCTOR" "I think I just saw the total boss sniper from 'behind enemy lines...'" "Just got ambushed by a speznaz looking pro team" "some punk rocker just blood bagged me, awesome!" "Some sex offender looking guy in a coat just dragged me for 10 minutes while I was knocked out -- Then gave me a gun?!" "just saw some guy in a suit with aviators and a 1911 walking through cherno playing 'little green bag', reservoir dogs style" Would be nice if clothes had an effect, not all of them and certainly not gimmicky -- But coats / rain jackets stopping your temp dropping (this is in Arma 3 I believe, so no point coding it here) -- for the future though.
  19. Sums up this thread, circle jerk it up care bears.
  20. Teleport back to where I died and flick "god mode" on then nerd rage at the beast that just put me down. Oh wait, that's the carebear hackers I usually kill.
  21. Call it what you want. If the game allows that sort of simple and quick abuse, it's going to happen. If someone wants to troll, they can spend 30 minutes blood bagging each other and then 5 hours trolling.
  22. My name is bankst3r and I can't admit I regret posting in this thread. If that's the case great and all. However, clearly there's support for such a retarded thing to be in the game and thus this is still worth debating. Maybe you're right. That people can hop into helicopters and away they go is odd. However, that being said not everyone who hops into a chopper can fly it properly. Not everyone who picks up a gun in game can shoot it well etc. I'd rather have a more realistic "flight simulator" style chopper interior than some arbitrary "you're a pilot now lol" perk gained from grinding some activity in game. I'd rather the skill be in the ability of the person playing than some ingame arcade "you're good at this / you're not good at this" because the game says so function. Since these characters are meant to be an extension of ourselves according to rocket. It's a bit immersion breaking if the game starts telling you that you cannot do x activity "because you haven't gained that perk via grinding yet!". But I guess this tangent deserves its own thread.
  23. Is that your retort to me? "oh really, hoho you pointed out how i'm wrong as easily as that hohooh you're an idiot like me" Turnip. BTW guys, I've decided to go to Cherno. I've been informed that blood bagging someone gives you 250 humanity. So both of Cherno's hospitals have about 8 medical boxes each with 15 blood bags in them. That's 60,000 humanity -- Do I get a chip on my shoulder for being a "I play the game hard style" Hero then? Can I demand unrealistic perks and shit? I'd like the ability to growl and cause others to eject their bowls within a 50m proximity.
  24. You're not following my logic at all, don't pretend you're doing reductio ad absurdum on my ass -- You're not, you're just being a moron. If you believe that "we shouldn't get unrealistic perks via blood bagging people and gaining a plaid shirt" = "Game should be uninstalled if you die" then you're about as smart as this: