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Everything posted by evulclown@gmail.com

  1. evulclown@gmail.com

    @people moaning about being shot.

    You're welcome to your own opinion' date=' it just happens to be wrong. There would be no laws or rules or repercussions in this situation, just like in game. So why would it be any different? Guilt? Maybe, you get over that soon enough. Not everyone would, true, but they'd be the ones being shot. Oh also, I can bench press Mike Tyson, I'm an Ex-Navy Seal, I ran Microsoft for a while, I've had more women than there are women and I eat raw Lions. I'm made out of titanium and I piss acid. Shall I make any blanket clueless judgements? [img']http://www.mastersinit.org/geeks-vs-nerds/geek.jpg
  2. evulclown@gmail.com

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    :dodgy: If you actually kill someone, you should be stuck online for 15 minutes minimum. If you want to log out as a normal person it should be 1 Minute. :rolleyes: If your internet connection cuts every 20 minutes, or your PC freezes for 1 year at a time, or you have Jehovahs witnesses knocking at your door every hour or you have the bladder control of a toddler, or your dog spilt your cornflakes over the keyboard, or ninjas are attacking your house, or your hair is on fire, or your mum's yelling at you that dinner is ready, or your retarded friend can't fucking call a taxi and you have to go out, or you can't plan meeting your friends and family and have them drop in on you, or any other number of RL situations which become imposed on you while playing your casual multiplayer game then tough shit. Find a more casual game if that's honestly such a huge issue that it happens to cripple your gaming experience.
  3. evulclown@gmail.com

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    Just throwing this in here, but you know that the crashed chopper sites are representing International special forces? Also many Eastern European countries have had weapons either donated from Nato or have purchased weapons. There's plenty of M4's, m16's, Humvies, M24's, L96's, M113's, Barrets, M9's, saw's etc in Eastern European armies now this isn't 1990. Winchesters were mass exported too (Granted, they are not shot guns as depicted in game) That said I'd like to see weapons like the scorpian, Mosin Nagant, RPK, PKM etc in game alongside the current weapon selections
  4. evulclown@gmail.com

    @people moaning about being shot.

    Typical Victim talk, I'll be gutting you with my bowie knife until you tell me where you stashed your beans. If we were animals, you'd have eyes on the side of your head so you could see me chasing you down, with my mane blowing majestically in the wind.
  5. evulclown@gmail.com

    Post your loadouts

    This is what I use to hunt people down solo at night. I hang out at high loot value places and get tooled up squads who feel safe at night / server hoppers. You'd be amazed at how many high EQ targets you can find at night on low pop servers compared to the day time... Cyote 24 slot backpack Camo outfit (Looking for another ghillie) DMR + 10 magazines Glock 17 + 6 magazines (Looking for a silenced secondary) NVG Range finder Morphine x 2 Painkillers x 2 Bandage x 3 Cooked meat 3x Water bottle 2x heatpack Hatchet Torch Toolbox Entrenchment tool GPS Map Compass Watch Matches Hunting knife I'm happy with the DMR -- I've had the opportunity to use .50's and m24's, they're nice but they do not suit my personal needs. It's 1 shot body kill close, accurate, awesome rate of fire on par with an automatic for close up, not a bright coloured stock, not massively long, pretty easy to keep ammo for and the mags hold 20 which beats the other sniper rifles. Can do quick double tap shots for further out if a head shot is not available... And more importantly -- works with NVG. The glock is the zombie killer, it's quiet enough not to attract a hoard, the flash light is handy to blind people / help friends, iron sights are good for aiming, it's accurate and ammo is abundant (G17 mags drop quite often + m9 mags fit in if need be) and the stock magazines are large. I'm completely self sufficient and can melt back into the forest to survive if anything dangerous happens. Capable of killing close up and at long range. Only negative is the lack of ghillie suit really, a silenced weapon is gluttony for me and would be a bit of a hindrance getting ammo for. I don't like having multiple primary weapons either, it's a waste of backpack space. A DMR can hold its own close up vrs assault rifles if crosshairs are on or you're decent at guestimating (obviously, you're going to pull mass zombies though)... Although I would make space in my bag for a thermal sight L85 for obvious reasons. Been alive 30+ days and spend most of my time hunting people, it's a shame everyone disconnects... At least let me get the murder counter :@ I don't loot any of my victims unless they're close up, it's a good way to get yourself shot though being greedy -- Much better to use it as bait to get others instead.
  6. evulclown@gmail.com

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    Personally my body gives me quite a bit of warning before I need to squat down and empty my innards into the toilet -- but maybe I'm blessed in not having a chronic lack of bowel control... :huh: If you are so attached to not dying and worry that you won't be able to go AFK for a minute to go to the toilet, then maybe you should invest in some of these: And not hinder literally tens of thousands of other people with your stupid excuses for avoiding death. :rolleyes:
  7. You're lucky I can only kill you in game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawney_Bean I wouldn't even need your beans otherwise.
  8. evulclown@gmail.com

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    I'm the simple solution to loot farming via server hopping. I camp low pop servers with my 50 cal and execute people who log in at high loot sites such as the NWAF. My only problem is I can't mock them in global chat anymore...
  9. A victim is moaning ITT. Thanks for the beans, people would kill you IRL for your beans too if there was no laws to stop them. Mongels much?
  10. evulclown@gmail.com

    Tents NEED to change.

    Lol Robin red breast HEHEHEHHEHE
  11. evulclown@gmail.com

    Tents NEED to change.

    There needs to be a benefit to looting and then logging off in a tent. Whether it is a minute trickle of blood (500 - 1k a day) or a reduction in hunger / thirst or a potential healing of illness.
  12. evulclown@gmail.com

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    You're right guys, if the world ended and there were no rules or laws we'd all sit down together and have a picnic. We totally don't exploit animals and other people in disgusting ways on a daily basis. Every single person without exception would start a giant hippy communion and we'd all live happily ever after. Because that's how the real world works. :heart: "All you need is love." :) - John Lennon... Know what happened to him? He got shot. While you're building your hippy camp I'll be waiting until you've almost finished so I can execute you all and take your hippy camp.
  13. evulclown@gmail.com

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Read a history book then read a psychology book. where in history have humans beings walked around shooting every person they see on sight? you make the claim show me the evidence. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide Get a clue. Know what you'd be when the big day comes? A victim.
  14. evulclown@gmail.com

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Read a history book then read a psychology book.
  15. evulclown@gmail.com

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Don't be naive. Have you seen the effects of what humans do when they think they can get away with it? Group mentality that results in the most disgusting atrocities and murders? What "law abiding" people do during natural disasters or riots? What happens during wars which are not strongly regulated? Please. There's a reason there's laws in the first place and they're not just a set of "please follow this" they are backed up with threats. Even religious laws are backed up with threats of eternal damnation. Take a look at what happened in Africa or the Balkans not long ago. Were they all holding hands and being awesome together when they thought there would be no repercussions to their actions? No, they killed hundreds of thousands of people "because they could". To remove them as a threat, for fun, for power for their stuff. Everyone would be Vikings. And the only reason people would begin grouping up is to become more effective Vikings to kill and steal from bigger groups more effectively. That happens already in game, find a group of friends and get on Teamspeak. Do you know how countries with laws came into existence? Here's a hint -- It wasn't a bunch of people going "lets all be friends". It was because one tribe was so damn good at stealing and killing that it became enormous and ate up all the other tribes. The big honcho in charge wanted to control his minions a lot more effectively -- You can't take on another country if your people feel unsafe and are fighting each other. Even now countries are STILL fighting other countries for their stuff. Don't state you can't "make friends in game" I have, use your mic -- You can get invited to peoples team speaks too.
  16. evulclown@gmail.com

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    Frankly the notion that people would not kill on sight in real life as they do in Dayz is absurd. Know what Dayz and a real life apocalypse have in common? No laws, no repercussions beyond you losing your life. You're actually lucky that the game is limited in scope. Look at any part of history, humans are dicks -- Why would you possibly think otherwise? Even now, with all our pretty laws there are still serial killers, people who rob, rape, murder and torture for monetary gain, pleasure or power. Imagine if there was 10k people on a server? You'd have gangs of people "claiming" areas . You'd have to pay to get to the NW airfield, you'd have people robbing and killing -- Genocide would go down. Tribes only existed in the real world in order to rob and kill from other people and offer protection from enemy tribes. That hasn't even stopped within the last hundred years -- Humans love killing and exploiting each other even with our "laws and rules". If there was an apocalypse someone might not kill you on sight -- They'd potentially: -Torture you for fun. -Steal all your things and leave you for dead. -Capture you as a slave to sell or exploit (potentially sexually). -Use you to lure in other survivors. -Eat you. -Cut you and use you as bait for a bear. People band together in game as it is, I've met up with people randomly at the start because I NEEDED them in game. That's the only time it's going to happen in real life. I have friends, maybe some of you should get some or make some who play together. If I'm running alone and I see someone I either avoid them or kill them (in case they kill me, for their food, for the thrill of a PvP engagement where both of us could easily die... a most dangerous game).
  17. evulclown@gmail.com

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    If you log out during a fight, someone should come round your house and skin you