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Everything posted by DubPlate

  1. Haha My friends and I have done this lots with different kinds of items. Haven't had morphine in a while? Grabbing 10 next time we at the hospital lol. If there isn't a word/saying for that we need to coin one. The grabenlotsoflootyouhaventhadinages syndrome :)
  2. DubPlate

    AS-50 TWS, CCO SD, L85, NVGs, GPS etc etc

    AS-50 tws, ya monkey! Hope someone chucks that shit in the ocean. I also hope there's an m4 attached to that cco too otherwise it might not be very useful :)
  3. DubPlate

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I was also very glad to see this :)
  4. DubPlate

    Pending Update: Build

    Go you good thing!
  5. DubPlate

    Happy Birthday, Matt Lightfoot

    Have a good one bro!
  6. Sounds like you have had this argument before lol. I don't care if it's a rainbow coloured smoke grenade if it's not legit it's not legit, go wank over your silenced pdw in the editor if it's so precious to you. Hope u get ambushed doing your trade :)
  7. So if you found an apache you would keep that too? If it's not in the mod it's not in the mod what the hell is the matter with you?
  8. DubPlate

    I think I might be a sadistic player

    You got issues man. Lol
  9. DubPlate

    Large weapons = Loss of backpack...

    Ammo boxes at high value military spawns, heli crashes etc
  10. DubPlate

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    You best be trolling. @op Please no, it can only mean bad things for the pc version I think. Time working on a console version means less time finishing or making better the real thing. I'd pay double price for the game if it ment it would never see the consoles, that may sound douchie but I really don't want to see it ruining this game.
  11. DubPlate

    Best Heli Loot!

    3 fals with no mags awww yeh
  12. DubPlate

    stagnard SD ammo

    Lol stagnard :) stanag sd can be found in any military spawn area, its all down to luck and if your really lucky you find an ammo box at a crashed heli or high value military area with lots in there.
  13. DubPlate

    Being a hero is MUCH more fun than banditry

    Thats a cool story, id like to be a part of that but my main wing man is just too blood thirsty and im past the point of being anywhere near positive humanity. Maybe one day :)
  14. DubPlate

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    If trolling, disregard...Op, kill yourself, Jtyler you too. You sound so utterly pathetic, all those "reasons" you gave ARE the mod itself you obviously cannot handle and should not be playing.
  15. Why would one create a thread about it? Why would one read said thread? To ask why the hell you would create one about it that's why.
  16. DubPlate


    Good mate, time to take out the trash.
  17. DubPlate

    Server population really dropping off

    I have not been testing as much as usual and if I do its on lingor island (not contributing to the actual alpha I know) but the graphics gitches literely make my eyes water. Can't wait for the next patch :)
  18. Awesome story man! What a game/mod that you can have stuff like this happen :)
  19. DubPlate

    Alt+F4 doesn't work?

    What would make you care less and how much less would that be? ;)
  20. DubPlate

    Military Spawns are Absurd

    Rare items should be improbable to obtain dont you think op? Thats why they are rare yano? Its allready piss easy to gear up really. Im always a little dissapointed after i have everything because thats half of the mods excitment, wondering what you might find heading into an area.
  21. DubPlate

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    Please tell me your joking
  22. DubPlate

    DayZ at GamesCom

    Trolling? If not wow, and speak for yourself I paid for arma and I love that game.
  23. DubPlate

    End Game / Nothing to do

    Didn't read your post, Doom2 demo didn't have an endgame either, I still cry myself to sleep.