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Everything posted by DubPlate

  1. DubPlate

    Day Z Rituals/Traditions?

    If i find a mountain dew it never gets consumed, death aways comes first.
  2. DubPlate

    So, I have a question...

    Wai wai wai wait, you're 14 and moderating the dayz forums?.......... Good work :)
  3. DubPlate

    Dayz Female!!!

    He didn't see the other one? Wild guess.
  4. Tie them up and rod them!? You dirty basterd! ;)
  5. DubPlate

    Admin perks? Rhino Crunch video.

    It's just an arma mission like any other in the end, anything can be put in to an extent. Only battle eye can global ban you. I'll tell you one thing they can do is get vehicle and other things coordinates and go snatch them up in game, only shitty admins do this though.
  6. DubPlate

    Dayz Female!!!

    Take a deep breath and wait for the next patch :)
  7. DubPlate

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    The "game" uses damage values from the military simulator it is built off.
  8. You're a bit late mate lol :)
  9. DubPlate

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    I remember in the early days hiding in a tree at nwaf seeing a guy running along wondering if i should take him out, watched him run into a shed then the zombies that were chasing him dissapear... He logged, then popped back in zombie trouble free, then got a .50 cal round through his spine :). Yeh he shouldn't have done that.
  10. Zombies zombies zombies. Rocket has said this at some point. There is so much going on in the back round when zombies spawn for you with their ai and such, add to that all the crap going on in servers, vehicles etc and fps take a dive even on high end stuff. The condition of the server can have a lot to do with it too, my fps will plumit to 15-20 in big towns on some servers and others not. [email protected] 6950. The sa zombies will be much more simple I would think hopefully improving frame rates.
  11. DubPlate

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    Great design there, well done. I also like the inventory in the game 7.62 High Caliber or the Jagged Alliance 2 mod where back packs, waist pouches, vest and leg holsters all have separate slots on your inventory screen. Hopefully we see this in SA.
  12. DubPlate


    Did you log off while in shock? (Power plug simbol on your hud)
  13. DubPlate

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    That would be the pending 1.7.4 update I believe.
  14. DubPlate

    Input and Standalone

    You may be trolling but what an utterly rude, ignorant and stupid person you are. As the poster above beat me to pointing out it's there for realism, it's not perfect but without it the aiming would be too much like any other fps. Anyone who claims it's not there or it's a problem with op's gear is just not paying enough attention. I would't mind it being toned down in sa but it's not a deal breaker.Edit: anna even explained how you could test it out yourself in the op and still you unleash your idiotic babble at her/him, you should apoligise.
  15. Very interested in this. I need something to get me back into dayz mod before sa, good luck with it :)
  16. Another RP server I can't play on, it sucks, too far away.
  17. Only good when they have a sale? So all the time then :)
  18. DubPlate

    The Rose Between Two Thorns......

    Good story! Dissapointing that the sniper wasnt actually saving your life, would have been epic.
  19. Great work so far guys with the changes and everything, but after my friend and I played for a while in the US server in became unplayable due to fps and network lag because of the zombies spawning, even cutting out our skype call. This happened only when zombies where spawning for us. Hopefully the Australian server is up soon and we can play again. :)
  20. DubPlate

    Thank the lord

    I was also just thinking about that game attracting a lot of the douches away from dayz, heres hoping :)
  21. Could I have server info please?
  22. DubPlate

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

  23. DubPlate

    come on help me....

    I read somewhere once that to fix this problem you have to shutdown/escape out of the game at the waiting for character to create screen.
  24. Twice can't be a mistake. You dissin our accent bro? ;)