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Biggus (DayZ)

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About Biggus (DayZ)

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  1. Biggus (DayZ)

    I have matches, I have a jerry can.

    Ah, did a search, but must have used some really crappy terms. Apologies. Not suggesting that they should explode, but rather burn everything around them within a short radius. I'm just thinking of what is within the realms of achievable within the current engine.
  2. Any chance of being able to make the two interact somehow? Something like an arsonist's equivalent of a satchel charge. Create an interaction with the jerry can, so that you place it in a certain spot, walk a distance away from it (limited, of course, none of that Die Hard 2 ending stuff necessarily), and use the matches to light it up, as if you've left a trail of fuel, perhaps? Just an idea.
  3. Biggus (DayZ)

    Graphical Issue near balota

    Just to confirm, rolling back to does not fix the issue. Or at least it didn't for me. i5-2500K, GTX570, 8GB RAM. I'm pretty sure it's the current Arma2 beta patch to blame for the issues.
  4. Biggus (DayZ)

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    I experienced this on my first login with Everything in my main inventory was gone. Still had weapons, still had the tools, and the backpack was fine. Just all my ammo and food. Strangely, I don't think it took the painkillers.
  5. Biggus (DayZ)

    Graphical Issues

    Same. Nearly same system specs, although I've got a GTX570. I was in Cherno at the medical tents, and I could not see a damn thing. Mostly on US1096 at the time. Have only rarely had artifacts like this before (like once in a good two hundred hours or so). Edit: I think it might be more related to the Arma2 beta patches that have come out over the last day or two. When I experienced the above, I was on 95389. I updated to 95417 and rolled back my DayZ to and experienced the artifacts again around the factory area at Cherno.
  6. Biggus (DayZ)

    Seattle 127

    19 day character killed. Fucker.
  7. Yes. DDoS is something outside of the control of the devs. Taking a server down for maintenance and then announcing a few hours after the fact that this has been done would have been rather poor form. Given that the only communication from late last night to a bit less than two hours ago' date=' which clearly stated that the DDoS was over and everything was fine again, the assumption that the maintenance had been going on all day unannounced while everyone here has been trying to get on appears to be a fair one. It would have been poor form, had this been the case. As it turns out, the tweet last night was incorrect, and the attack was continuing. Thank you for your condescending attitude. I do not need you to remind me of this. I'm simply saying that a bit of communication does not hurt. How many hours between the tweet last night and the announcement today?
  8. Which is fine. I'm extremely grateful for the chance to take part in the alpha. What wasn't clear was this: At what point in time did the issue go from being DDoS to maintenance? Was it before Vipeax's post? How many hours after the decision to perform maintenance had I and my friends spent trying to get on a server? When an ETA is given to having everything back up and running, that implies that the DDoS is no longer an issue. Is this not the case?
  9. I can relate to AussieStig's frustration. It's pretty simple - lack of communication. I'd been keeping my eyes on the forum from a bit after midday, local time. It's 9.30pm here now, and up until Vipeax's post about maintenance, I'd spent a few hours trying to get on for a bit of Zombie action. Then I find out that it's not hackers causing the problem, the server's offline for some work. Fine, I understand that maintenance is something that needs to be done. Finding out that it's maintenance after trying to get onto a server for three hours or so, that's frustrating. A bit of communication goes a long way.