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Linas (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Linas (DayZ)

  1. Linas (DayZ)


  2. Linas (DayZ)

    [DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

    I usually try to be friendly, by telling people with mic, but 99% of them are just killing me on sight or waiting till I turn my back to them. I started be more cautious, shooting people only when I see if they have a weapon or look strange.
  3. Linas (DayZ)


    It is very good idea to run to the closest city, 1st you have nothing to lose, 2nd you have a chance to try out the guide. This guide really works, but be really quiet near zombies, first item you need is a hatchet. Later you can collect the rest. To use slow crawl, double tap shift button. Works in other positions too.
  4. Linas (DayZ)

    How tu turn on the flashlight

    I have the same problem, even when I take a flashlight as a weapon..
  5. Linas (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play with

    Steam would be okay, but my Arma 2 operation arrowhead isn't on steam.. :/
  6. Linas (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play with

    Windows Live Messenger, if thats okay for you?
  7. Linas (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play with

    Hello, I am kinda new to this game, played for a few days before this DDOS attack. My game isn't on steam and I can't register, but I am looking for a team or few people to play with. Add me, if you like. [email protected].