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Everything posted by alyxm

  1. Updated to 1.7.4 and every server either says 1/50 or 0/50, etc.. please help?
  2. Nothing in my filters, and there is no one on.. so I don't know. i'm doing something wrong, but I'd rather find out exactly is wrong instead of messing around taking hours to figure it out.
  3. alyxm

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Too true. I'd rather if the mod was shut down altogether, so they can just concentrate on the main game itself. Rocket says minecraft development model, thing is, that was not a model, Notch just did it the cheapest way he could< I mean to say, he made it up. And for this game (dayz), I doubt it will be kept to that model, minecraft isn't a complex game / game engine, which means dayz needs a proper main stream development cycle at some point, as the multiplayer fundamentals are already there, time to make a players experience better, enhancing everything else about it. And I know that a lot of people bought Arma 2 for dayz, but they are paying less than half for the creation of a game we have all been waiting for, and I would pay 20 again for a better version, think of it this way.. you bought arma 2, 20 euro/dollars you buy dayz stand alone, another 20euro/dollars, the near enough price that you would pay for a full game, and fair enough, dayz deserves that. In fact Rocket said less than 20, (15 I think?). So everyone complaining about the lack of updates both from the dayz devs themselves, and for the mod, just be patient, play something else, they are up to their eyes working on this, I would rather a better stand alone out sooner, than later. Screw it, just wait. Plus we don't know the full story of why there hasn't been an update of the updates, there might be, there might not be. Either way, can't do much about it, and instead of wasting your game time by complaining on a forum, go play sleeping dogs! It's great.
  4. Just for the record, the following text is a rough report on my experience with update, and in no way am I intentionally meaning to come across angry, its an alpha. Along side the artifacts still being there, are crazy things like, my humanity switching between -141000, and 0, my bandit scarf disappearing and reappearing, logging in and out randomly creates a dead c lone with all of the gear of my initial character. Sometimes my kills aren't recorded on my character sheet, for example, killing someone doesn't come up with bandits killed 1 or murders 1 and sometimes it does. Zombies are glitchy as well, I see they are slower for the sake of making them less jittery, but they sometimes just spin around me not dying until the 25th round fired at their chest/head area. Random teleporting occurs between players, some people have been teleported to anywhere along the new player coastal spawn areas from anywhere on the map, with random gear, or no gear. Oh, and for something that I see as a step forward, I do love humanity being back with just the head scarf for a bandit indication. (gotta have something otherwise its just a deathmatch game.) Have more zombies (as in hordes), so players find them as if not more threatening than other players. Their speed is what made them dangerous and scary, the speed they are at now is just easier for everyone I think, have both, so there is normal runners and sprinters (fastest).
  5. Artifacts are not fixed in the update, do not say they are not there, as they are, here's a lovely screenshot.
  6. alyxm


    We have different types of backpacks, sure, how about different type of jackets for bigger better inventory slots :). I came up with this idea after looking at an image of Rocket at a press conference.
  7. alyxm

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I think all of the NON banning ideas, and NON killing your character after multiple warnings ideas, are better and should be implemented post haste (the timers I'm talking about).
  8. alyxm

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I completely disagree with punishing people with a 15 min ban... its retarded, it put me off halo reaches multiplayer, mainly because I'd lose connection for whatever stupid reason, I got bored, I wanted to go into a different match, and I'd get banned, mommy over players, its moronic and stupid, and you'll just piss people off, no game, ever, should have a 15 min ban, or ban for whatever reason, it doesn't fix the game play, it just adds frustration and loses players. A timer makes everything fair. Eve online has a timer, and it does it well, in fact most of that games mechanics is based on timers. I think in principle as you said my idea is good, and it is complex for now, but I know it would work in the future, but for now, a timer is needed in general, it would make it balanced, for everyone. The server hopping could use the same sort of thing, 30-60 second cooldown to rejoin, just like a respawn timer.
  9. alyxm

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I'm not bothering reading the entirety of this thread, so forgive my post if it seems ignorant. A timer is what should be done when logging out, but in a smarter way (Ill explain further on), whatever problems (bugs) the timer creates in the game itself, try and fix them, as its the only way to stop death avoidance, and it is fair. Warning everyone about their log history is stupid, as potentially punishing everyone for a few actual players disconnecting to avoid death is a quick fix for the problem and it will by what I've seen from skimming through this thread is nothing but a bad idea, and will piss most people off. If Rocket, if you, can some how see the code info on a players shots and where they are hitting, have maybe an area of effect timer that activates wherever shots are fired, so all players have a timer in that area when they log off, this forces a player to leave the timed area of effect - which will make them leave their cover and potentially get shot, or log out then and there and leave themselves open to attack with no defense, the timer will last to whatever you test with and see as balanced. The other method could be if a player is close to you, and when you're by yourself, there is a log out timer that could in conjunction with shooting, when shots are fired, there is a longer timer, than in general. So to re cap my messy post, when you are by yourself, there is no timer, when you are by yourself and shoot with no other players around, there is a short timer, when there is another player around and there is no shots, there is a longer timer, when there is another player around and shots are fired, there is an even longer timer. This is not unbalanced with logging off if there are zombies, as with the latest update, zombies are easy to lose as they depend on their sight quite well, and I personally think logging off to get rid of zombies is an exploit. This is my message to Rocket, please find something from this, as punishment from logging out to kill your character is as annoying as spawning in the debug, the game is more evil than the players or zombies, which I do not think should be done, I only wish to be killed my own in game world stupidity (falling, drowning, starving, etc) or zombies or players.
  10. Professionalism comes with education or experience, one or the other, Im sure rocket didn't bring in unprofessional people, they are just overwhelmed at the moment, and are getting on their feet, professionalism comes when things aren't nuts, plus its a mod, its free, don't expect any notification on something that is free, but we got notification, thus its professional to some degree.
  11. O_o well they should. This mod is beyond arma 2.
  12. maybe one of your website programmers could stick up a hive online/offline indicator on the homepage of dayz, as well as how the connection is, shouldn't take too long.
  13. No, not really. Yes, they could do what you suggest. But they would still be dealing with many hours' work maintaining the "public alpha" infrastructure. At least at last public admission, this is an all volunteer, free time team. Yes, bohemian has made a lot of sales, and tacit support seems to be there at least in the form of base game beta patches, but I believe that my main point still stands. They could fold the public part of this, get better feedback and save tons of wheel spinning time. I think, perhaps, you and I agree that the reason this hasn't happened yet is that the team IS so dedicated. That dedication may crash harshly into reality soon. I edited the post you responded to. And to your initial post, you still miss the point, its a mod, anyone can make a mod... if they wished to make it closed off, then cancel the mod. Dedication? When a mod is helping a 2 year old game make it number 1 on steam for 3 months running? I doubt it, a mod is making them money, and one of them said no to me in this thread are we who play dayz giving them money, well yeah as i bought the arma 2 pack for dayz.
  14. No, when did you pay us any money? I meant that your sales have increased because of dayz, not literally because dayz is a cost for us.. And I bought Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead.
  15. The Main server (HIVE) is all over the place, the game is too laggy to play properly and enjoy.