Just some opinions.... Morality System: At the moment, the morality system is ok, telling you effectively who is a Pker and who isn't... to a degree. My problem is that in order to get out of sticky situations like someone lining you up or shooting at you, you have to hurt/kill the other, which if you havent recieved damage, you lose morality points for and is a marked man. I dont have any suggestions around this, rather to have the morality points way higher than what they are now, punishing regular PvP'ers and allowing some leniency. Flashlights: There needs to be a system similar to the current ability to hold chemlights and flares with flashlights, so that the player can hold their primary/secondary weapon with the flashlight. As a balancing tool, make the flashlights last a period of time before needing reloading with batteries. Better Loot: My 2 cents is that more loot needs to be distributed around the north-western cities, as they are fairly sparse (bar the airfield). Just even an increase in the frequency of m1014 ammo or rifles will make it more attractive for people to move away from the coastline.