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About elusive00

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. elusive00

    Can't see official servers.

    It has and I have tryied that, in both, doesnt work.
  2. elusive00

    Can't see official servers.

    And for taviana, I get only 3 servers.
  3. elusive00

    Can't see official servers.

    ok, whatever , the point is I am not getting the full list of servers as you can see...
  4. After being passed around like a ping pong ball from forums to forums I arrive here... For a week and a half now, the game doesnt show me the official dayz servers in play withsix, dayz commander nor in the ingame browser, I only see private hive servers but not the official ones. A week ago when everything was going well I used to see around 300 servers for dayz namalsk (official+nonofficials) but now I only get 150 private hives. I tryied everything to try and solve this problem - ran every update, reinstalled game and every mod and I still only see private hives. I recently aquired a D-link router to make a wireless connection with a laptop in my home and I was told it could be a firewall interference but I have disabled firewall from the router and from the windows aswell. I also tryied removing the router and plugging the internet cable directly into the computer again and still only get 150 private hives for namalsk, I dont know whats causing this but its really frustrating. Please help, I want to be able to play dayz again...
  5. elusive00

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    Just 1 sata III 1.5 TB, deframented yesterday so no I dont think thats the problem, just the some files from the game that are damaged or something.
  6. elusive00

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    I ran it and still I get the other errors I was talking about, when I verify the cache it finds a damaged file wich will repair but that will solve nothing.I exit Steam verify the cache again and still finds that file to be incomplete, then I enter the game with the 2 errors and I can play the game but choppy once every 3 minutes for 15 seconds or so. Its so frustrating cause I like DayZ so much and I cant enjoy it at its full capacity...
  7. elusive00

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    Hey Emptytester, I think I found out the deal with the low fps...there is a problem when installing Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead through Steam.When I launch A2 OA in Steam after it finishes installing I get this first error saying bad serial number given in instalation. I got past that somehow and now I get a new error saying Addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CABuildingParts'. I can however enter the game and in the menu I recieve another error "No entry 'bin\config.bin/Cfg/Vehicles/Citizen1.scope. Errors and errors after errors...the files of A2 OA are simply f*cked and it is affecting the FPS, once every 1 min or so when I go to a new place I have like 4-6 fps for about 15 seconds like the game has to reload all the textures or something. I have played Arma 2 normal to see how it runs and on a 30 player server the game runs crystal clear with graphics on high. I tryied fixing the game cache in steam but nothing works, even reinstalled the game...im thinking of buying the retail version of arma again just because I want to play dayZ without having to suffer the fps once every 3 mins. If anyone has a solution tell me. Thanks.
  8. elusive00

    FPS lag with gtx 580

    I wanted to make a thread about this problem too but seeing that someone else already did I wont bother. I have the same problem, low fps once every 30s to 1min or so.The game is just unplayable and I am really frustrated because I bought this game only for DayZ just to see that its a clusterf*ck with tons of glitches/disconnects and just so you know I do have a pretty decent Pc, not the best but its enough to run a game like this. CPU: AMD Phenom II 4x 3.4ghz GPU: nvidia gtx 275 RAM: 4gb HDD: Sata III 1.5 TB Windows 7 64 bit Ive tryied everything to reduce the lag, including the RAMdisk thing, nothing worked.