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Everything posted by proxzor

  1. proxzor

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    I just do as I learned, never think about your victims that you've hurt and you're all good to go. Seems to work for me, luckily this is just a game ;)
  2. Ooooooooh this is so awesome, but I wonder if you will hallucinate when you log in the next day when you're all dehydrated.
  3. proxzor

    Textures messing up

    Thanks for the respond, strangely enough I didnt find this topic while searching. Lets hope its fixed soon :)
  4. proxzor

    Canned Meat. Gives you 500 blood!!!!

    Yeah so theres actually another use for the empty cans
  5. proxzor

    MERGED: Cannibalism

    Thats just so stupid
  6. proxzor

    [BAM] - EU bandit group

    I can't seem to find you on steam, can you add Proxzor on steam? I am really interested in a Bandit group since I am a loner right now. I use TS3 a ton so i'm familiar with it and have a proper working headset.
  7. proxzor

    Large bandit raiding force

    I'm interested, I am seriously looking for a group right now.
  8. So with the new patch with the fuckton of zombies I came to the conclusion that its really hard, especially for the new players to sneak into towns and find some fat loot. So what if you could make a bow(or sling) with twigs or something I dunno, that you could use to shoot at dem zombies. Or maybe you could make a ball of sand and throw it to distract them just like the cans. Also since I am a bandit myself I found it quite hard to actually find supplies or anything. And with the amount of zombies currently I think you should be rewarded somewhat if you kill them. What if you gain like.. 2-3 humanity every time you killed one. Its not that much but it will help the bandit return faster to being a survivor so he could group up with people. Since grouping up might be more important currently then being a lone bandit. Also we should have some sort of squad system, where you can join each others squad and with the use of a radio could talk with each other military style. Or use specific radio lines. Just my 2 cents tell me what you think about it.
  9. proxzor

    1.5.7 update

    Yeaaaah.. I was happy with my CZ yesterday, now i'm afraid to fire a shot.
  10. proxzor

    Looking for bandit group

    Yeah I am also looking for a group, somehow I managed to get -11k Humanity and I dont think I will get it back soon, add me on steam : Proxzor
  11. proxzor

    The Flying Medics! (New Group)

    I'm also looking for a group of people to play with, my steam is Proxzor add me :)
  12. proxzor

    Hiding items

    You can get another gun in your bag if you have enough available slots, if not your gun will be dropped. I believe you can only put it in your extra bag though.
  13. I am looking for people as well! Im from holland, PM me or add me on skype: Proxzor Have been playing straight for a few days now and I know where to get stuff.