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Everything posted by Essonimex

  1. Essonimex

    Day Z Urban Legends

    That was really cool! Thanks for sharing. I love these little weird things that happen in the game. Dr. Wasteland, Freeside trading, people abductions, homicidal maniacs with hatchets. xD This game is so meta.
  2. Essonimex

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Precisely! Leave God and other childrens fairytale characters out of this thread please. So what about that Bum-fights Day-z style vid?
  3. I just want different skins. No specific bandit or jeebus skins, just generally random different clothes, camos and such. I really like the skin bandits used to have, it was before my time and its a shame we cant have those anymore.
  4. Essonimex

    Return of the CZ 550?

    Ive found two. Playing for about a month now.
  5. Essonimex

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So err... When is the next patch due? Im tired of Alt+F4 faglets and Rocket mentioned that the first iteration of how to combat that is coming in the next patch. Also, where are my GHILLIES!? Grat work so far Rocket, really enjoying your work.
  6. So lame. I NEVER found one pre-patch and now they are not even spawning anymore. So lame. This game needs variety. Every Schmoe is wearing the same lame trucker cap and a blazer.
  7. Essonimex

    Day Z Urban Legends

  8. This is beyond cool. One of the reasons i love Day-z are theses little in-game gems, people run organizations like yourself with trading or Dr.Wasteland for example. Keep it up and i hope assholes will not try to ruin everyones fun too much.
  9. Essonimex

    What's your longest survival time?

    7 Days. Decided to roast some meat north or NW airfield, sprayed my brains all over medium rare steak as some sniper shot me in the back of my head.
  10. Essonimex

    Ultimate holdup!

    He shot him in the leg to break it, then left the guy a dose of morphine to fix himself. Didnt you read the thing? Jeez...
  11. Essonimex

    What's up with the loot spawning?

    How often do loot piles re-fresh or respawn?
  12. Essonimex

    Weapon help

    Id rather go with a hatchet than take a shotgun. I dont know, they seem to be rather useless to me since i ever encounter other players at ranges of 50+ meters and the gun is useless around zombies since i almost always avoid them and sneak around Solid Snake style.
  13. Essonimex

    Day Z Urban Legends

    After i found this awesome thread, i decided to grab some people and check out Green Mountain myself. It was me with three other dudes, good friends from my BF3 clan. The overall trip was not very creepy or out of the ordinary, mostly because it was daytime. I wanted to go at night, but one of the group was real easy to scare and he would never have come along if it was going to be dark. We did not feel like abandoning the guy as we had just been playing together for a few hours. We approached the antennae, with no zombies around. When all of a sudden they literally started pouring out of the gates. Like 20 of them all in one bunch. We took a knee and did not move, but they stared charging at us, so we mowed them down. I will edit this message with Frapped video for your viewing pleasure. I will return there during the night. I want to experience some of the awesomeness described in this thread. EDIT: Enjoy. Like i said, nothing very spectacular. But the zombie zerg rush standoff was pretty intense. Dafuq with the crap quality? Hm... was supposed to be 720p D:
  14. Im not moaning about darkness of the night. Anyone whinging about that should look outside in the middle of the night. The darkness is perfect and is actually dark, not just dark blue tinted like other lame games. What i would like to know is, at what time during the night, does it start to get brighter again, as the morning approaches? P.S. As a side question, i read somewhere Rocket plans to add more skins to the game. As loot like ghillie and camo suit. When will this be? I am bored looking like a twit in a trucker cap.
  15. Essonimex

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    I cant find any caves on the banks of Black Lake. Is it in the area around it?
  16. Essonimex

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio developed (provided you are in the lead). No server preferance. KICKSTARTER! I cant believe you still have not gone that way! If some point and click adventure gets 3+ mil, im confident Day-z will get twice that. If there are alot of good incentives, even go for the extras and pay 50, 80 or more.
  17. Essonimex Waiting for host - 94876

    All up to date, also stuck. Cant be bothered with roll-backs. Ill just wait until they fix this.
  18. Thankyou Vipeax! :D I actually got bored and decided to risk it and run east. I made it! Now i see you have moved me, lets see if im moved to the beach now. Regardless, massive thankyou!
  19. What does time have to do with it? Its a bug in the ghillie suit being ON, either beforehand or freshly equipped. Has this been fixed yet? Im specifically looking for alternative costumes now because im rather bored with the lame trucker cap and shiny white sleeves.
  20. Essonimex

    Day Z Urban Legends

    This thread is so full of win! Please give us more! What are really good and spooky places to check out?
  21. Essonimex

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    No problems with the latest patch other than random zombies taking particular interest in me. So much even, that they will go out of their shambling way 500m away, while im laying face first in a bush. They are so eager to investigate me, they make a bee-line to my exact location. This needs fixing. I have no qualms with increased zombie agrro, make it harder i say. But when it happens randomly with zombies 5m or 500m away, it totally defeats the purpose.
  22. I dont care much for bandit skins as a visual representation of players humanity. Instead i would much prefer to find the cool camo skins and etc through rare drops.
  23. Essonimex

    whats the point?

    The point is to try again, do better this time. Learn from your mistakes, be more tactical, aware, careful.
  24. Essonimex

    Why is the draw distance so bad?

    I dont want the overall draw distance increased. I want the objects, grass and trees to be drawn in full render within 600-900m.
  25. Very mature of you Phoenix. I have no idea of the post you are talking about, but your apology seems genuine.