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Everything posted by subjectx

  1. subjectx

    Hacking is really getting out of hand now

    Maybe you didnt notice me sneaking up behind and taking stuff out of your backpack:D
  2. subjectx

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    When i logged in after manual update i was teleported to the coast with all my gear and stats intact..
  3. subjectx


    Sometimes server is a problem with low FPS. Try switching servers first (at least few) and check if problem persists.. Then report back..
  4. subjectx

    Disappearing Vehicles

    Well, since you can check which version of software you are running on "your" server, just go ahead and check it..
  5. subjectx

    Suddenly: Weapon

    If you really need to drop it (i wouldnt tho, just use it until you die again..), drop it into some pond or sea.. That way nobody will pick it up..
  6. Its server's fault. Try switching server a few times until you find a stable and lagless one..
  7. Isnt it a problem with dead NPC soldiers and one of the vehicles?
  8. Friendly fire usually occurs when i pop someone that is just logging in...
  9. subjectx

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Another fast temp fix for me is to alt+tab out of the game and straight back into.. It helps until you try to zoom in again with right mouse button. More persistent fix is also to alt+tab out of the game while zoomed in on scope of the gun watching towards glitch and alt+tab back in.. Its not perma fix, bit it helps you loot stary tents, at least is holds for so long that i can loot..
  10. subjectx

    respawns on cars

    Actually, altough having a vehicle is a nice perk, but it limits you to one server, you will loose it, its a bullet magnet, too much hassle with fuel and items to rep it.. Trust me, you dont want vehicle..
  11. subjectx

    I Found A Golden AKS!

    until you are banned by BE or Hive, you are good, just dont use server anymore, there is tons of others!
  12. subjectx


    I was close too:D
  13. Tnx for taking that of my group, now we can play again with some sort of a point..
  14. Ohh cry me a river.. This is alpha test, maybe we need unlimited ammo to test how far that zombies killed counter goes..
  15. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    Yeah, I see this problematic too.. If you logout/DC in some city, you are pretty screwed for those 10 seconds standing like a rubber duck. But I'm afraid this is Arma2 limitation/feature..
  16. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    How many times do we need to repeat ourselves? ITS NOT SOLE PROBLEM OF THIS TWO KEYS!!! User can DC with use of other programs/manually pulling out electricity/LAN cable. Its even doable via abort/disconnect procedure for same effect!
  17. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    Actually, no. Too much guns in game imo.. Currently I'm running around with DMR and I'm finding so much ammo for it, that I stopped using 1911 for killing zombies.. As far as a thirst is in question: Try running for 30 minutes and lets see how thirsty you will get. Food on the other hand should be a bit buffed on how fast it it goes down. But also food spawns should be reduced then.
  18. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm sure rocket will have some security checks if you DC and RC without anybody around you, you not bleeding, not in shock or something like that.. Dont worry, your gear will be safe!
  19. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42806-pending-update-build-1724/page__view__findpost__p__434489 or http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/199-rocket/
  20. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    Rather: Leave and enjoy.. :D
  21. subjectx

    Pending Update: Build

    Only master server is down at the moment, you are unable to query server list. If you have IP from a server, you can connect to it directly somehow..
  22. subjectx

    Convert or DIE

    That is not true. You have a choice, but its not rational. its like this: you fight in RL, everybody has a gun, only you brought a fork. Ofc, its your choice what to bring, but is it smart? Will it help you sleep at night?
  23. subjectx

    What is it with people...?

    Well, I tried to be nice and not be a trigger happy idiot, but once you see all others shooting you in a back, hopping servers, altf4ing, lying about being friendly and such, you have to adopt to that style, otherwise you just gonna be on coast all the time..