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Commander D

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Everything posted by Commander D

  1. I have one question. What does this friedly fire thing mean? The last days i read this a few times after killing someone. For example the player KraKeN i killed him three times in a row in 5 minutes. Does this X was killed by Y (friendly fire) thing mean that someone is cheating?
  2. Commander D

    Seattle 154 mass kill

    this also happend to me.
  3. Commander D

    (X was killed by Y (friendly fire))

    thank you LVG
  4. Commander D

    (X was killed by Y (friendly fire))

    helpful answers are welcom. @ 2ugly: No, i guess it means that KraKeN is a dirty little cheater. He respawned at NW airport three times and tried to kill me but i was faster. dukleinerfetterjunge.
  5. Commander D

    Noob Tactical Strike incoming!

    Haha, of course let´s meet. I know what´ll happen.
  6. As a friend of the Anti-Anti-Zombie movement, it would be nice to know how many survivors you killed to take revange for our zombie brothers?
  7. Commander D

    DE2 Madmins or cheaters?

    His name in Dayz is KraKeN. I killed him 3 times in a row at NW airport in 5 minutes. He is a dirty little cheater. Please ban him.
  8. I had the same problem. I killed him three times in a row in 5 minutes. I saw his dead body sink to the ground. His body fully disappeard. It was also at the NW Airport. Please delete him. He is a dirty little Cheater- Kid.