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About Grimuldus2

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Grimuldus2

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Well, so you know, I ranted earlier, however this attack was nothing to do with my group. 2 are in education and myself and another work. Do you need some extra guns later for retaking the fort? Meaning we aren't online..
  2. Grimuldus2

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    Right, so I came across this camp last night I believe, Uk7, the camp fitted the description, and same location on map. Just so you know, this is a general rant, I had an m14 I was rather fond of and I apologise if this was not your camp. Adding to this, If it is your camp, I would like to join with my buddies, 4 extra hands cannot be bad. If I am correct, you had maybe 3-4 tents and a bus, place was fenced out in a circle. Me and 3 buddies were on the roof of the hospital west of this position... ONE OF YOUR GODDAMN SNIPERS KILLED US ALL. WE WERE JUST JAMMING GETTING SUPPLIES, KILLED A PLAYER ASSAULTING US FROM THE NORTH AND THEN YOU SPRANG ON US AND SNIPED OUR BUTTS OFF. Finally I apologise for being rude if it was a different camp. EDIT: Please understand, it was natural for us to retaliate when being shot at from an unknown location and ruining 4 players hard work. We had returned to Cherno on a supply run for medical goodies and had been there for literally an hour because we heard shots, then were beseiged, killed an attacker and THEN got taken down by one of your gung-ho cretin snipers.
  3. Grimuldus2

    DayZ Stories

    So, a friend and I woke up along the Cherno strip. With our heads buzzing, we groggily set off towards Chernogorsk to see what pickings were to be had. After a little tactical foraging and amusing tomfoolery we found ourselves heavily stocked with canned food, drink and various weapons and survival tools. Next, we made a hasty exit as a couple of zeds noticed us through the window and gave chase. With the blood pounding in our ears, we took flight and lost the zeds between the buildings before circling around the north border of the city in search of a hospital. As it happens our luck held and we spied a paramedic symbol on a building close to the industrial area. So, in true Sam Fisher fashion, we splintercelled that S#*@ over and I tried to break in whilst my buddy went on over-watch on the roof. After my unsuccessful can throwing attempts, my buddy spied a few supply crates on the roof of the hospital, so we decided to stock up there instead. So, with blood bags, morphine and epi-pens spilling out of every orifice, we splintercelled that S#*@ back out and took a breather just outside of zed range. Then suddenly everything went to hell... It happened so fast, I barely knew how to react. I was checking around whilst my buddy was arranging his gear and suddenly his chest exploded in a spray of claret. His screams rattled my bones over skype as he quickly passed out from the shock and blood loss, I whipped around with my trusty makarov as more shots whizzed past my head, all the while looking for the source of the onslaught. I barely spied the muzzleflash as the shock set in. In a stupor, I raised my weapon and pulled off two quick shots in his general direction. In careless disregard, I quickly applied a transfusion to my buddy and patched him up once he was concious. Once he was up, he said "Dude your bleeding all over the grass" and so I was, I quickly slapped a bandage on and not a moment too soon, I was in severe shock and had just less than 300 blood left... I was lucky to have not passed out and died. So my buddy gave me a transfusion and we set off to inspect our kill. A big fat 1 appeared on my bandit counter in the debug so I was pretty happy. I'd shot me my first bandit! With closer inspection, I had sniped that mofo in the dick and the blood was spraying out of his butthole like some sort of morbid, artistic fountain. We robbed that padre dry and my buddy looted a prized AK47 and 2 mags. We also bagged a spare M1911 and a mag for our friend who later joined us on our epic quest. Out of sheer disgust we didn't hide the body, that sucker deserved to rot with the whole world watching... True story, my best experience of DAYZ
  4. I think some sort of basic currency would be a good idea. Something along the lines of CAPS like in Fallout would be an interesting idea. They have no value other than to purchase handy items such as small amounts of ammo and medical supplies. The trader should roam in a small guarded group so only the most powerful groups of players can organize a hit to keep things more or less realistic. Thinking about it actually, scratch the currency, trading items for items could be interesting because you may have to give up your beloved sniper rifle or M16 to secure a blood pack and morphine to heal your crippled buddy! This could create an interesting social aspect, in the sense that players may feel the need to seek help from more powerful players and either pay their way or offer tributes. This could evolve into some sort of funky anarchy as well!