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Posts posted by andris.orinskis@gmail.com

  1. Constantly being kicked off the server on join. Ping <100 (~55) Message - "You were kicked off the server"

    Looks like same clan "[RaP]" members are always on the server, looting BIG-time. Admin was on the server, so can tell for sure he knows random players are kicked off for no reason.

  2. Got this today' date=' except it was far stranger.

    My buddy in our camp thought I was a raider, and capped me in a panic (I didn't declare myself in TS as I was distracted). I got the You Are Dead screen, did the whole deal with getting abck in the game as when I usually die. No biggie, he could just take my gear, store it and pick me up or I could run. But I just logged in, same character, but KO'd. My dead body was lootable and all the old items were essentially duped.


    Same thing happened to me twice today.

    Killed twice, by other players. Have seen a message "%myusername% was killed", then I spawned my character as usual but instead of Male/Female menu I spawned in KO state with all my stuff.

  3. И голова у них сейчас забита абсолютно другими проблемами.

    т.е. DayZ уже перед релизом отворачивается от потенциальных покупателей?

    имхо чуть более чем все те кто купил CO или OA ради DayZ точно так-же купят Арму3 или стандалон DayZ. Сугубо ради DayZ. Если не распугивать покупателей фразами "голова у них сейчас забита абсолютно другими проблемами".

  4. The time zone listed is in relation to the server time. Not it's physical time zone. So the GMT will tell you what time of day the server is running at (assuming there hasn't been major de-syncs). So for example' date=' my server is in Chicago. It runs on central time, but if I wanted it to run in a time zone in Europe, I'd set it to that with the system clock and change the tag to something like GMT+1.


    Ok, if you insist I can collect list of servers (I play mostly SE UK DE RU EU LU servers) to prove that MANY servers just ignore this guideline. :/

  5. May I ask why would anyone care for server geo time-zone?

    What most people DO care when looking for server to join, is server game-play time (i.e. night or day).

    If we assume that server will provide same game-play time as in its geo-location, than we can easily calculate it, and decide if we want to join it or not. But now many servers have set game-play time different from their actual time-zone (e.g. servers in UK may provide a night-time on their maps at 12:00 UTC), and it can take quite a few tries to find a server with proper day-time, which, probably, loads a central node as-well and takes a lot of time from players.

    So my suggestion is to use the time-tag to specify a game-play time on a server, which will make a life lot easier for many players.

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