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Everything posted by andris.orinskis@gmail.com

  1. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Tents should despawn on death.

    I agree that original owner should not have a chance to re-equip AS50+L85+NVG+RF+Ghillie+CoyoteBP+GPS+antibiotics in 10 minutes after his death. Solution - tent should relocate to random position on the map in 5 minutes after owner dies. Loot is loot, there should be a chance for anyone to find it, no mater if owner is dead or alive. Sure,you can buy an extra character and make him to place tents. But you can buy an extra character and use his inventory and backpack to store your loot as well, so it's something that can't really be avoided.
  2. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Kicked from server, It won't fix

    To run a beta-patch setup, open a downloaded archive (ARMA2_OA_Build_XXXXX.zip, where "XXXXX" is a version number), and run a ARMA2_OA_Build_XXXXX.exe file from it. If you downgrade - u may lose your character at older version server-group. It looks like at some point of 1.7.2.X patching new characters were created in the Hive for those who were still on 1.7.1.X servers, but the rest were moved to new "sub-section". Actually all characters might have been recreated, but I have no time or wish to bother everyone asking to remember if they were respawned on the beach at some point for no reason... Either way, I'd say there is a chance that your character with all items will be stored in that older part of the Hive, and will never be able to move to newer server. Have seen some posts from DayZ staff that servers will be excluded from the Hive if not up-to-date. So thee won't be any possibility to play your character at all. All this is not confirmed, just my observations and troubleshooting.
  3. As per topic: I was driving a boat when server went offline. Did any admin turn off item-drop in water? Is there a safe server to log into not to lose all inventory and backpack? Thanks!
  4. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Server went offline while driving a boat. Did any admin turn off item-drop in water?

    Ok, I'm out of the water with my stuff :) Thanks to everyone, and my beans to Tronnic!
  5. Sorry for crossposting, but I want to get back to game :) Long story short - I need to find a server with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext http://dayzmod.com/f...-drop-in-water/
  6. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Any server admin can help me? enableItemsDropping = 0

    Ok, I'm out of the water with my stuff :) Thanks to everyone!
  7. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Server went offline while driving a boat. Did any admin turn off item-drop in water?

    Ok, loaded into DE 791. All my stuff is on me, but I can't move (character doesn't swim). :( I'm 5 meters away from shore...
  8. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Kicked from server, It won't fix

    If you upgrading or reinstalling current Beta-patch version - just run a setup file from beta-patch archive. If you are downgrading (I personaly would never suggest doing that!) - uninstall BattleEye from "arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion" first, connect to a valid DayZ server, (you will see black "Loading" screen with no further progress), close ArmA, delete folder "beta" from "arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion", reinstall required Beta-patch version with BattleEye (battleeye setup will start automatically after Beta-patch installation)
  9. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Admin Abuse - US 362

    It's called a whitelist (for servers to be added to the Hive - main DayZ database with any character info (like items in inventory, health status, location etc.)) and blacklist -the ones that are not in whitelist. To add your server to the Hive (to whitelist it) administrator of a potential server files a server request on a DayZ website. All map markers are shared within a server. Map markers are cleared on a restart.
  10. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Any server admin can help me? enableItemsDropping = 0

    Yes, I checked LU164 - have my primary on me. But can't get out of water! :( Character doesn't swim in any direction.
  11. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Admin Abuse - US 362

    DayZ staff should process server requests much more carefully, as many of current server admins are total *censored*holes.
  12. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Any server admin can help me? enableItemsDropping = 0

  13. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    LOL. Cheaters would come on a TANK, wearing ghillie suits, armed with AS50 and L85. These guys are CLEARLY not cheaters.
  14. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    US 1524 (30ms ping or kicked)

    I believe it is an admin abuse. There was a topic from DayZ mentioning that ping-kicking should not be abused.
  15. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Tent City US 546 come get your loot

    It would be "not cool" to come with two trucks on same location, different server, and with server-hops to loot everything away. These guys just gave a chance to ANYONE to get good gear. Way to go. Might be a trap as well though :D Who knows...
  16. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Graphical bugs

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49812-1724-artifacting-caused-by-dead-military-bodies/ Video options -> Advanced -> Video memory -> Default It fixes dead-military artifacting. Might help with other video artifacts as well. Please test
  17. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Server admins resetting vehicles?

    I believe choppers were not spawning anymore, but if not crashed - you could still have them from 1.7.1.x versions. I might be wrong there though.
  18. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Kicked from server, It won't fix

    I won't say what's the current latest version is, because they change like 3 times per day lately, and there might be new version in a second after I post this :D http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ Green one on the top is always latest available version.
  19. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Ram Disk help..

    Then try this: Move addons folder to ramdrive. create a symlink to it from original location (don't forget to run commandline as an administrator). mklink /D linkName target /D – Creates a directory symbolic link. Default is a file symbolic link. linkName – Specifies the new symbolic link name. target – Specifies the path (relative or absolute) that the new link refers to. Play DayZ. p.s. And OF COURSE don't forget to make a backup of addons folder.
  20. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Kicked from server, It won't fix

    Uninstall BattleEye from Arma:OA. Log into ANY BE enabled dayz server. U will stick on "Loading" screen. Close Arma. Install latest beta patch, it will offeryou to install BE. Install BE. Play DayZ. Profit!$!
  21. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    everything in my backpack dissapeared? (lost my L85A2 D:)

    To agro zombies away from a path?
  22. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Ram Disk help..

    Try this: http://www.traynier.com/software/steammover Just make a backup of steamapps folder - not every software ramdrive keeps a content on a PC restart. I'm using hard links in my case, but they won't work with two different hard drives.
  23. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Ram Disk help..

    I think he is creating a virtual HDD in RAM. Do you have a Steam or Non-steam version of ArmA?
  24. andris.orinskis@gmail.com

    Server went offline while driving a boat. Did any admin turn off item-drop in water?

    Not if I find a server with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext Any admin wants to help?
  25. andris.orinskis@gmail.com artifacting caused by dead military bodies.

    Did u try my suggestion?