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Everything posted by moe.

  1. Hi there, it just an idea. I guess all we admins got a lot of bans for ghosting/combatlogging or just bad behaviour. So my idea is it to share the banlists. If the players are already banned on your server i dont want them on mine. Edit: I dont want banlists form admins who ban for killing admins or stealing their cars etc. For Example DE 9 or DE 1477
  2. moe.

    DE 969 Admin BattleEye ban abuse

    Lol everyone want a proof for hacks. Just an example: We were 5 ppl on the server. 3 of them were mates and then suddently we 4 died at the same time. 2 of us at balota airstrip and 2 in elektro. So i banned the 5th person on the server. I dont need to post logs or anything like this. I know the rules but sometimes there is no need of proofing. If u start saveing and collecting serverlogs u will need terrabytes of discspace and this just to proof that hackers hack? @Perl i would have banned them 2!
  3. moe.

    Banned from DE1469

    You can come to DE 147 If you kill us admins there is just one thing we will do: Find and kill you ;)
  4. Ich schreib mal auf deutsch da es ja nen DE server ist. Hast du den Server mit erst aufgesetzt? Wenn ja, dann sind die Fahrzeuge wieder an ihrem Spawnpunkt. Wir haben das gleiche Problem mit dem Heli und dem Military Offroad. Alle Fahrzeuge die erst nach dem patch gespawnt sind verschwinden nach nem restart und sind dann wieder an ihrem spawnpunkt. Aso und versuch mal einfach den server zu schließen und neuzustarten solltest du eigentlich ein programm wie BEC oder BERcon benutzten
  5. Hi there, this is for the ones who always put marks on the map with the text Admin restarts server to get the chopper: We alway restart the server 1 - 2 times a day. Usually at 9 AM german time. We restart the server and dont give a damn who got the chopper. We even restart if we got the chopper. We HAVE TO RESTART the server so the server performance stay good. If u got problems with that, go find another server or come to our Teamspeak server and speak with us. Its not our fault, that the chopper respawn after every restart so think first before u type shit like that!
  6. moe.

    Cars stillt not saving?

    If your cars AND tents disappear after a restart it is sometimes just a a mistake in the restart. if u restart again the cars and Tents should be back in place. Btw. you dont save the position of cars and tents, just the stuff in it. We got the same problems on our server but our cars be in place and if not someone stole them. The Developers are already informed but u can report and follow bugs and the solution process here https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz Visit us at DE 147
  7. moe.

    Bus at DE 147

    INFO: we put the Bus there. We trolled some kids to drive in there and let them explode with satchel charges^^ The second BUs is at the factory near Dolina feel free to take it. We had no need of it so we ledt it there
  8. moe.

    Admin Abuse - DE9

    OMG this is just rediculous. This is happenening very often on DE 9. Iam Admin of DE147 and me and my mates are sometimes switch to full server to raid citys. Last time we did this. We shot down a chopper directly over Elektro. Then we got ghosted by place2be member (we shot 6 of them before) and the server restarted without a warning. And we hear similar story of an other clan, thats is playing on our server now for these reason. And if u read a little bit in this forum u will see, that DE 9 is the server with the most entrys of admin abuse (german Server)
  9. moe.


    Komm einfach auf den DE 147 Wir werden so oft erschossen hätten wir alle gebannt, die das machen, hätten wir keine spieler mehr aufm server ;)
  10. moe.

    Vehicles despawning

    Maybe there was just a mistake a t the server restart. If the server restarts again ur car should be there. We got the same problem at our server. Just wait until the next restart and everything is fine. And if not someone stole it