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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Removing name tags actually makes group work a lot harder, so does the way that the game decides what colour the default PMC skin is.
  2. Not a big fan of big clans at all. When I see 5+ people camping a town I'm thinking, yeah that's dumb. Although I love it when you snipe at them as a loner and they all just run around like headless chickens before alt + f4ing. Anyway I don't think they're too much of a problem, they only make the game more boring for themselves.
  3. Respawn shouldn't be removed in alpha testing. But I guess this isn't really alpha.
  4. Wow you d/ced? The thunderdome actually has crates of weapons in it. Much better than the crap you would have found in balota. And why does everyone always blame the admin?
  5. That's cool. Wish I got the cool hacks like that. More often I get the invisible teleporting guy with g36 one, or the dropped from the sky one.
  6. I sitll don't know what the "minecraft model" is, I use to think it was blocks like lego but now im not sure.
  7. That's pretty cool. I usually just get the instakill thing when it comes to hackers.
  8. Someone please post the amnesia dark decent screenshot with global chat photoshoped on top of it.
  9. G17 and PDW are now top tier sidearms.
  10. It was spammy and annoying. The amount of idiots who use to yell out 'FRIENDLYFIRENDLYFRIENDLY DONT SHOOT! DONT SHOOT!" over the sidechat really got on my nerves.
  11. Probably just bad luck, especially if it was one of the on3 or orcon servers where the admins don't usually play or care that much about the game. They are reset 4 times a day after all, I had to complain a bit before the implemented that, hehe.
  12. If "If you don't like those servers don't play them" was a good argument, then we'd have PvE, passworded and non-BE servers as well. But we dont.
  13. Vehicle hoarding is pretty obvious once you come across it. The worst case I ever witnessed was an entire carpark of some 10 vehicles all in the exact same spot, they didn't even have tents, because they didn't need any.
  14. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Wipe all tents...

    The reverse is true also. Since it's alpha there's no reason to want to save people's stuffs. Unless the whole point is to test what dayz is like with shittons of duped gear that is.
  15. Wow, 7 pages for some shitty landmark that has nothing once the jeep is taken from it?
  16. Vehicles should also be removed, they make it too easy to get around the map in a timely manner. Very unrealistic.
  17. I played on a recruit server the other day, it was essentially like having a zombie radar/wallhack. And why even have the rangefinder item when you can just use the action menu? I hope in the future they enforce veteran.
  18. I know, what retarded posts. Arma2 isn't a new game, you can buy keys for $10 if you look around. $10 to troll people all week is a good deal for a greifer.
  19. Next time I see an unarmed survivor and decide whether to shoot them or not, I'm going to think of you (and shoot them)
  20. I drop my backpack as soon as I spawn. I'll only pick up pouch or ACU after that.
  21. You clearly have no idea. All it does is put them under AI control. Every time you change skin in this game you're actually changing character, it's not just a visual thing. So if you become a zombie, you become an actual zombie and zombies are controlled by the CPU. The hacker is not directly controlling them. This script itself would only be something like "player_humanityMorph: z_soldier_pilot", very simple
  22. Bet you thought you were being clever by spawning a humvee with mounted mg. Not feeling so clever now, are we?