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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Jason Troll

    It's not a Jason hacker unless they only use melee and play scary noises over the voip
  2. Very, very very wrong. Wrong by over a hundred thousand! :lol: Your new wallpaper
  3. It's base damage is still 37k. Only way to get that number under 12k would be to bounce it, pass it though a brick wall or shoot at someone from over a few kilometres away.
  4. lols. You'll be spending more time reporting than playing the game if you did that. Half the players I attack alt+f4. many people still seem to think logging out is a tactical decision that is part of the gameplay.
  5. Looks more like a zombie purge script.
  6. Indeed the fastest way to get geared. Although it's usually good to get a Lee Enfield or something first, I've gotten the jump on those snipers with hachets plenty of times but they always D/C. One time I even had a guy run for 10 minutes and d/c even though I was only chasing him with a crowbar, lols :rolleyes:
  7. I'm bandit and people shoot more more than usual. Although usual is like 90% of the time anyway. Now it's 100%.
  8. The backpack thing is probably because KSVK takes up that slot in arma2. If you drop the KSVK you'll still have a backpack slot.
  9. wat da fuq is this thread about. He used a hacked gun for like 10 minutes before getting him to kill him and starting over. Going by the amount of people I find with AS50 TWSs on their corpses, he's definitely one of the more ethical players.
  10. Pretty sure I saw a "Sean" spawning a helicopter on that server. Pretty common name though.
  11. *If* they're not unconscious. Esc shouldn't work when you're unconscious.
  12. That's not how it works, I wish they'd say this to scare people though.
  13. It's not "legit" but it is however quite common in day z.
  14. Sad but true, although if you go on the coast there's a lot of noobs don't know how to alt+f4 yet, kinda sad they still haven't fixed the d/c exploit, so many interesting scenarios that won't happen unless they willingly play along.
  15. It's not blacklisted in day z cfgs either. Tanks and bombers for example are all blacklisted.
  16. Why no humanity icon face dude again? I miss that.
  17. Probably, but hackers tend to go to the big servers. Once he killed you two there wouldn't have been much to do on that server.
  18. Good thing you managed to get out before he gave you a real weapon instead of M9 peashooter.
  19. Rocket just hates it when people mod his mod.
  20. Way more DayZ servers than there are arma2 DM servers, lols.
  21. You get humanity back by stop murdering ppl and start doing nice things