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Everything posted by red_orchestra@msn.com

  1. red_orchestra@msn.com

    global ban for (well i dont know)

    Fair dinkum mate
  2. red_orchestra@msn.com

    It's sad that people leave when server hits night

    It's called Day Z for a reason.
  3. red_orchestra@msn.com

    helicopters still gone?

    Helicopters are commonly scripted in by hackers. So yes they're in the game but they're gone in the sense that they're not suppose to be there.
  4. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Just what is the best sniper?

    M16 ACOG. For real, yo
  5. red_orchestra@msn.com

    global ban for (well i dont know)

    Only OA key was banned. You can buy another one for $14.
  6. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Finally some global bans

  7. red_orchestra@msn.com

    My friend turned into a zombie...

    It was a hacker, they morphed your pal into "z_soldier_pilot" at which point he was taken over by the zombie AI and attacked you.
  8. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Are Hackers only seen by PVPer's?

    Hackers are similar to bandits in they usually go hunting in cherno and such. If you avoid PVP hotspots you're less likely to come across them - but it still won't save you from their instant kill and mass teleport scripts.
  9. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Are ALL weapons supposed to knock me out?

    Unlucky. Worst knock out I got was from one revolver shot from some greifer 30 seconds after spawning. But once I got lucky and survived a Lee Enfield shot :)
  10. Arma2 is not alpha, it was released years ago
  11. red_orchestra@msn.com

    US# 500 Hacker "UNCLE TOBY'S DICK"

    Nope he jumped to ANZ #4
  12. red_orchestra@msn.com

    L115 - BAF_LRR_Scoped?

    Super magnum definitely not in the game. Comes off the BAF campaign.
  13. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Banned for being in a thunderbolt jet.

    Next time just play arma2 if you want to fly aeroplanes and helicopters.
  14. red_orchestra@msn.com

    To far

    To far or not to far
  15. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Another one bites the dust.

    Haha mp5 does such shitty damage. It's like an automatic makarov, but weaker.
  16. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Body or No Body?

    He probably alt+f4'd on death. That makes your body sink into the ground.
  17. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Online Debate: What is the Best PvP Gun in DayZ?

    I find DMR to be most flexible. AS50 is godly in terms of range and damage but ammo is rare, the gun is visually huge and firing rate makes it unforgiving in close combat. Oh yeah and no NVG compatibility.
  18. red_orchestra@msn.com

    US171 Mass Teleporting

    They do it all the time now. Instantly killing got boring for them I guess.
  19. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Teleported then killed

    I do that sometimes, but they can just change their name. Playername is really much to go off in this game
  20. red_orchestra@msn.com

    AU1 Hacker

    This just happened to me on ANZ8, I played for about 30 seconds before getting teleported and murdered.
  21. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Random Death - suspected hack

    You stepped on a lego
  22. red_orchestra@msn.com

    in the past two hours.. 4 hackers.

    alpha has nothing to do with it. arma2 has always been open to hackers, always will be. this means mods on it will be too.
  23. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Camp Griefing

    why are people so nasty so eachother in this game? omg
  24. red_orchestra@msn.com

    Sins of a hacking gamer...
