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Everything posted by Superior

  1. Superior

    FN FNL ANPVS4 free

    Yeah, there's another clan who has made Atlanta 59 their home server. Might be them who possess all the vehicles. Kudos for finding their camp, really. I didn't know it was off map, all I knew was GPS coordinates. Cheers.
  2. Superior

    As an Admin, how do I deal with this?

    BattlEye is a ridiculous anti cheat.
  3. Superior

    FN FNL ANPVS4 free

    I'm good friend of Florida, the admin. I know that's his base along with others. They're a solid bunch of people and they're really fair. I occasionally hit their camp up and take some gear when I need to (read: not leeching!!) Cool that you stumbled upon it, kudos! Nothing of real value however. :( And they don't have the vehicles, as far as I know. They're quite baffled themselves and are considering filing in a bug report for missing vehicles. Cheers!
  4. Superior

    FN FNL ANPVS4 free

    Been there. There's only one FN FAL and some welfare weapons, nothing of significant value. Didn't spot any vehicles either? Help?
  5. Superior

    Shooting the driver of a vehicle

    Truck came up the hill then stood still on even ground. We opened fire, the driver died whilst he was trying to back (albeit he wasn't successful and was finished off) A few seconds later, the truck rolled down with the dead driver in it and we lost sight of it.
  6. Superior

    played for first time tonight

    I'm glad you liked it and had some valid input concerning the game. Zombies are a pain in the ass, yes, but taking in consideration that this is alpha I feel that it's pretty much justifiable. Also, you do not really need a monster system. You just need to tweak the game a bit (read: a lot) Try searching on the forums, there's a few configuration and tweaking guides.
  7. They do. They only save on that server, however. Sometimes they disappear but all you need is a restart and they'll be back.
  8. Superior

    Day Z: Zombies Need Overhaul

    Yes indeed. Zombies need to be more rewarding and intimidating. Currently there's not really a reason for somebody not to shoot at sight. Perhaps implement something that would require you to group up with people to complete certain tasks that involves zombies. Right now they're literally sitting ducks and there's no fun in killing them. Only time they're a real pain in the ass is when they bug out and attacks through walls or cloth line you and knock you unconscious. Cheers.
  9. Superior

    'Private' ANZ server

    It's not allowed as far as I know as it's basically a rip-off. Comparing it to a pirated version, basically.
  10. Superior

    To DayZ Staff

    Oh yeah, perhaps conflict(s) will arise if rocket enables donations as he's apart of the BI developing team. I think BI funds this project already, so there's no need to get worried about mod life expectancy and such.
  11. Superior

    Shooting the driver of a vehicle

    I remember when my group opened fire on a vehicle that stumbled upon our camp. What happened was that after he was killed the truck somehow rolled backwards down the hill before it came to an halt, so I'm not sure how the mechanics are. A video. Doesn't show it all but it pretty much shows that the vehicle is out of sight so there's no way we could of killed from where we were positioned (meaning the kill was legit and he indeed strolled backwards with the truck)
  12. Superior

    Struggling to find food or weapons

    I think it's a tad too easy, actually. It's not really a big achievement to accumulate an AK47, a decent backpack and ammo for your primary weapon to last for decades. I wish it was a bit harder and that that it would actually feel accomplishing to find a nice main weapon.
  13. Superior

    I..I just killed someone.

  14. Superior

    Military barricade in Cap golova

    Less talk about the outfit, more talk about this kind of behavior. Fortifications? Fucking neat, buddy. Keep on doing your thing. Fuck 'em bandits!
  15. Superior

    AS50 turned into a DMR

    Most probably someone taking all of your shit whilst on loading screen in debug forest. Or you might been the victim of a slight rollback as someone mentioned they got their old primary weapon back that they had swapped before.
  16. Superior

    Military base

    By military base you probably mean the infamous, huge airfield situated north-west on the map. It has two barracks with above average loot. You can find military grade loot there. But it's a matter of risk versus reward as there's a lot of players prowling in the woods with their snipers and silenced rifles. ;)
  17. Superior

    Ok, I DC'd but ....

    Very much justified, comrade. Don't even sweat it. I'd probably shit my pants myself and just quit all together for a while. Heh!
  18. Superior

    Body Armor/ Kevlar

    Comprising it with shorter stamina and faster thirst, sure. I want to see it balanced and put out realistically, because "helmets to prevent from head-shots" is a crock of bullshit. It's for debris as someone said and if I'd seen that in-game I'd just cringe.
  19. Superior

    Stuck on waiting for character to create.

    Servers are awfully unstable at the moment due to the attack they experienced yesterday. Best is to just wait it out.
  20. Superior

    recording software

    Oh? Cheers, didn't know that. I've got the program installed and everything. Do you know if it's smooth to record game-play with it? Can it handle Day-Z capturing?
  21. Superior

    recording software

  22. Nothing that I didn't already know. Cheers for the great guide however and I hope new players (and oldies!) will understand the server tags fully from now on! Having a hard time finding normal configured servers, meaning not altered ones. Expert servers are the best, hands down. :)
  23. Superior

    Servers under attack still ?

    I'll gladly take a cup, yeah.