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About DustyTrv

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DustyTrv

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Well, I can definately confirm that... there WAS a deer stand at the one I found. As for the military zombies and the airstrike or whatever it was... isn't there a grenade launcher in the game? I guess if someone had one and started spam shooting into the area... it sure felt like a damn artillery strike though. Scared the everlovin' piss out of me.
  2. DustyTrv

    Day Z Urban Legends

    If you edit the MP3 from the I found a radio post then I'll decode it for you. You mean, strip it down to just the morse code section? I can do that. How do I get the MP3 to you?
  3. DustyTrv

    Day Z Urban Legends

    That right there is exactly why I checked the coordinates out. I mean, easter eggs aside, that's like a friggin' miniquest in the middle of a zombie horror survival game, that's just frickin' rad. I really wish I knew how to translate morse code. That's the one part of the message I can't figure out.
  4. DustyTrv

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So I recently got a hold of a radio, and since it isn't in the loot listing on the wiki I did some research and found that apparently one of the guys who got one started hearing static and a weird broadcast on it, enough so that it freaked him out and he wanted to trade it away. The guy who posted this recorded it and put a link of it. Search for radio, you should find it. Anyway, I listened to this broadcast, and it sounds nonsensical, there's this lady talking about buying and selling crap for penny bids, typical internet crap. Then there's this odd tone, and a ladies voice mechanically starts spouting numbers: 6 digits, repeat once, then next 6 digit number. It does this about 12 times. At the latter half of the message, there is morse code, which unfortunately I can't translate. All of this is weird, but didn't really catch my attention, until one day I was using a GPS, and noticed that the grid coordinates of the GPS are 6 digits. Going back to the recording, I jotted down the twelve numbers repeated in the broadcast. Somewhat curious, I broke out my map and checked the numbers as if they were grid coordinates, but there didn't seem to be anything particularly interesting about them. So, lacking anything better to do, I picked the nearest one, jumped on a server with a low population, and started hoofing it over there. Now this thing was in the middle of nowhere, halfway up the side of a mountain in the middle of a forest. There shouldn't be anything there. Imagine my surprise when a bunch of military dressed zombies start tear assing towards me. I sprinted away, got some distance between us, then got lucky with my M1911 and took the two that were still tailing me out. Curious. I cautiously made my way back to the coordinate and began searching the grid. Nothing seemed to pop out at me. There was a deer stand with a morphine autoinjector, a bandage, and a empty tin can, but that was all I could find that looked remotely interesting. Still, the whole area was crawling with zombies, and all of them are military. Now the coordinate in question one square over from a radio tower, so I figured the zombies probably came from there, but it was odd that they were all military, unless there's something I don't know about radio towers. Anyway, a little frustrated, I head over to the tower just to check it out figuring I'd climb the damn thing and get as close to an aerial view of my surrounds as I could. I get to the top, start looking around, when suddenly there are a series of massive explosions in the grid I'd JUST been in. Seriously, like an artillery strike or a bombing run. Now, I don't know what the hell is going on, but remember, I'm on a small server and who knows what the heck, I mean, I've heard stories where everybody on the server finds themselves 30 meters in the air and then dies, so I thought, maybe someone is hacking and has decided to take me out after spotting me wandering around. At least as far as I know, there aren't any items that provide a friggin' artillery strike, and this wasn't a car blowing up or a vehicle exploding, it was like boom, boom, boom, boom. So I took the cowards way out and logged off right on the top of that broadcast tower. I freely admit that I'm a yellow bellied son of a bitch, but... it was kinda interesting. I wasn't really expecting anything, but... Think maybe I'll check out those other coordinates.
  5. Believe me, I know it. I try not to get too pissed off when eveything I've built up goes away after one error of judgement. I guess I'm past that stage where losing all of my progress can make me rage quit the game altogether. Finding the crap is half the fun, after all. I appreciate everyones responses. I haven't noticed any weird static or anything, but then, I've only had the radio for a few hours, so maybe I just haven't noticed yet. Again, thanks everyone.
  6. Ok, I'm a noob, I'm just starting to figure this game out, and I'm not a hundred percent sure of what is and isn't legit. The other problem? I can't remember the name of the server I was on, because it took me forever to find a server that didn't have me waiting forever with a black screen and the message, waiting for character to create. However... Here's the story. I was wandering around in the outskirts of one of the smaller towns with the barns out in the middle of nowhere... you know the ones, two lofts with a total of three floors, sometimes zombies spawn on the top or behind the crates on the bottom floor. Anyway, I'm sneaking in here, and I hear the telltale sound of flies buzzing. There's a body on the bottom floor, some luckless sucker who's got the standard fresh fish loadout. I kill the couple of zombies inside, then notice a second body with just the feet sticking out of a hayloft. I open his inventory, and about shat myself. He had NVGs, Binos, a rangefinder, a GPS unit, a map, a compass, a watch, basically every piece of good tool salvage but a hatchet and a box of matches. The thing that's fishy is this... he was using a Lee Enfield and an M1911 Colt, and a radio. Yes, a radio. At first I was like, what the heck? I grabbed it, took a look at it, there's no little description of the item like the other stuff when you look at it in your inventory, it doesn't actually seem to do anything. I didn't really think anything of it, but then later I looked on the DayZ wiki and there was no mention of a radio on any of the loot lists. I've looked around the forums about radios and there seems to be some confusion as to whether it's legit or not, like, there's a post that says someone found one on a soldier body, and there are some people basically saying that it's not legit. The thing is, usually when someone mentions the radio as cheat loot, they mention it with some ridiculously bad ass weapons too, and this guy had nothing I couldn't find just popping in and out of farms and the like. Hell, I've actually reached the point where I'll use hatchets over Lee Enfields because the things make too much damned noise. I don't know what's up. I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't legit, because the gear this guy had was phenomenal, stuff I couldn't even begin to get my hands on, but he was using basically starter weapons, stuff that I HAVE seen and used. The funny part is I found a Czech 550 with a single clip as a loot spawn in the same barn, so... I don't want to lose all this cool stuff, but at the same time, I don't want to cheat either. Edit: Also I forgot to mention, he was using the basic 8 slot coyote pack you start with.